Blocknet Decentralized Full Node Services Are Coming to Ethereum
At Blocknet, we specialize in interoperability and inter-chain communication, and we are proud to bring these services to the Ethereum ecosystem. For quite some time now, full ETH archival nodes and services alike have posed a major problem to the Ethereum ecosystem — a problem the Blocknet Protocol is happy to solve. Through our network of fully decentralized Service Nodes spread across the world leveraging our very own XRouter technology, we are able to provide decentralized access to the Ethereum blockchain in its entirety to developers, organizations, DeFi, smart contracts, and more. Heavily centralized systems and services like Infura carry extremely high risks related to centralized designs including and not limited to quality of service, downtime, anonymity, and attacks. Because the Blocknet Protocol doesn’t have any single point of failure, we are able to remove all the issues that come along with centralized designs.
If you would like to find out more about this technology (including testing and building on our services), please feel free to visit and stop by the Blocknet Discord server to get in touch with us:
Ethereum Setup Guide For Blocknet Service Nodes
The following guide will help get Blocknet Service Nodes staged to support decentralized Ethereum services on the Blocknet Protocol. We recommend staging in Docker containers, but users can leverage whatever environment they’re most comfortable with in order to get a full ETH archival node in sync.
In this guide we’ll cover getting both Parity and Go-Ethereum ( geth
) full nodes in sync - we don't have one in particular that we prefer, so feel free to use whichever one you like most and are most comfortable with. We'll cover getting both Parity and geth
setup in Docker as well as built from source and setup using an install script. These guides will be based on Ubuntu 18.04.
Things to Note
- It is recommended to run ETH on a Linux-based machine or VM. For example, Parity is single-threaded when run on Windows! We’ve also seen issues related to port consumption on Windows (WSL included) which lead to all ports being consumed causing a mess!
- SSDs are required! There are hundreds of transactions each Ethereum block — you will likely never get a full archival node synced up with a HDD and it’ll struggle to stay caught up if ever synced.
- The Ethereum blockchain is quite large and currently is about 3.6 TB in size! Please plan accordingly as the blockchain’s size is increasing by about 1.6 TB/year!
- Although we’ve found Ethereum to be extremely durable (has a fair amount of resistance to ungraceful shutdowns and such), you’re going to want to make sure you have regular backups just in case something disastrous happens that corrupts your block database.
- Patience is required! On a decent machine it can still take over 2 months to get Ethereum synced.
geth Docker Setup Guide
If you don’t have Docker installed, there are various guides you can follow including this one here
For an easy way to persist your blockchain data outside of your Docker container on your host machine, you should leverage the docker -v
functionality for your geth
Step 1
Choose a location you plan on using for your geth
volume. For this example we'll use /opt/geth/.ethereum
Step 2
Create the directory and enter it
mkdir -p /opt/geth/.ethereum
cd /opt/geth/.ethereum
Step 3
Create your geth
configuration file named config.toml
and paste the following in it and save the file:
Now that you’re properly staged, we can pull the image and run the geth
Docker container.
Step 1
Pull the official geth
Docker Image:
docker pull ethereum/client-go
Step 2
Run your container:
docker run -d -p 8545:8545 -p 8546:8546 -p 8547:8547 -p 30303:30303 -v /opt/geth/.ethereum:/root/.ethereum --name geth ethereum/client-go --config /root/.ethereum/config.toml
if you run into permission denied issues related to leveraging docker -v
, please research chown
such as chown -R 1000:1000 /opt/geth
Controlling Your geth Container
The docker run
command from the Setup section is used to first run and start your container. After this, you'll be leveraging the docker attach
,docker stop
, and docker start
To gracefully shutdown geth
running in your container, follow these steps:
Step 1
Enter your container
docker attach geth
Step 2
Gracefully shutdown geth
orpkill -SIGINT geth
After geth
shuts down, you should automatically exit the container - if for some reason you do not, make sure geth
is indeed shutdown by checking top
. When you confirm geth
is shut down, you can then proceed to type and enter exit
to exit the container and subsequently stop it with docker stop geth
Warning: Stopping a container with geth
actively running in it can lead to database corruption issues!
Starting, Entering, and Exiting the Container
- To start the container:
docker start geth
- To enter the container:
docker attach geth
- To exit the container and keep it running:
Removing the Container
- With the container stopped,
docker rm geth
Reading your
Container Logs
From outside the container:
docker logs -f geth
will follow the console output
If you have quite a large output because geth
has been running for a while, you can choose to only check back a few lines from the current spot by:
docker logs -f --tail 10 geth
is how many lines you wish to display backwards from the current spot.
If you wish to look for something specific (for example Imported
), you can leverage grep
docker logs -f --tail 10 geth | grep Imported
- To exit the logs, simply
Enter the container in a system shell
docker exec -ti geth /bin/sh
To exit:
Building geth From Source
The following script will install all required dependencies, build and install geth
, and generate the required config files.
Step 1
and paste the following contents into the file and save it:
Step 2
Run the script
chmod +x
Starting geth
After the install script is finished, you can now navigate to and start geth
cd ~/go-ethereum/build/bin
./geth --config ~/.ethereum/config.toml
Stopping geth
To stop geth
, you can ctrl+c
the active console or you can pkill --signal SIGINT geth
until you see it shut down and subsequently disappear in top
Docker Setup Guide
If you don’t have Docker installed, there are various guides you can follow including this one here.
For an easy way to persist your blockchain data outside of your Docker container to your host machine and desired location, you should leverage the docker -v
functionality for your parity
Step 1
Choose a location you plan on using for your parity
volume. For this example we'll use /opt/parity
Step 2
Create the directory and enter it
mkdir -p /opt/parity
cd /opt/parity
Step 3
Create your parity
configuration file named config.toml
and paste the following in it and save it:
if you run into permission denied issues related to leveraging docker -v
, please research chown
such as chown -R 1000:1000 /opt/parity
Now that you’re properly staged, we can pull the image and run the parity
Docker container.
Step 1
Pull the official parity
Docker Image:
docker pull parity/parity
Step 2
Run your container:
docker run -d -p 5001:5001 -p 30303:30303 -v /opt/parity:/root/.local/share/io.parity.ethereum --name parity parity/parity
if you run into permission denied issues related to leveraging docker -v
, please research chown
such as chown -R 1000:1000 /opt/parity
Controlling Your Parity Container
The docker run
command from the Setup section is used to first run and start your container. After this, you'll be leveraging the docker attach
,docker stop
, and docker start
To gracefully shutdown parity
running in your container, follow these steps:
Step 1
Enter your container
docker attach parity
Step 2
Gracefully shutdown parity
orpkill --signal SIGINT parity
Another trick you can use to gracefully shutdown your parity
container is:
docker kill --signal=SIGINT parity
from outside the container
After parity
shuts down, you should automatically exit the container - if for some reason you do not, make sure parity
is indeed shutdown by checking top
. When you confirm parity
is shut down, you can then proceed to type and enter exit
to exit the container and subsequently stop it with docker stop parity
Warning: Stopping a container with parity
actively running in it can lead to database corruption issues!
Starting, Entering, and Exiting the Container
- To start the container:
docker start parity
- To enter the container:
docker attach parity
- To exit the container and keep it running:
Removing the container
- With the container stopped,
docker rm parity
Reading your
Container Logs
From outside the container:
docker logs -f parity
will follow the console output
If you have quite a large output because parity
has been running for a while, you can choose to only check back a few lines from the current spot by:
docker logs -f --tail 10 parity
is how many lines you wish to display backwards from the current spot
If you wish to look for something specific (for example, Imported
), you can leverage grep
docker logs -f --tail 10 parity 2>&1 | grep Imported
Enter the container in a bash shell
docker exec -ti parity /bin/bash
To exit:
Building parity From Source
The following script will install all required dependencies, build and install parity
, and generate the required config files.
Step 1
and paste the following contents into the file and save it:
Step 2
Run the script
chmod +x
Starting parity
After the install script is finished, you can now navigate to and start parity
cd ~/parity-ethereum/target/release
Stopping parity
To stop parity
, you can ctrl+c
the active console or you can pkill --signal SIGINT parity
until you see it shut down and subsequently disappear in top
Gist version of guide: Ethereum Setup Guide