Community Superblock: 1598400 Please vote!

The Blocknet Protocol
12 min readAug 20, 2020


It’s time to vote for the latest proposals!

Please note: Voting has changed with the release of Blocknet Comet. Please view the updated requirements regarding voting here.

There is a great responsibility for the community to vote either “yes,” or “no,” on the proposals. It cannot be emphasised enough how much the proposal authors and the Blocknet team relies on the community to vote on project proposals to ensure continued funding for development of the Blocknet.

The proposals for superblock 1598400 can be viewed below or on the forum here . Please note, proposals are being submitted individually so please make sure you scroll down and take your time to look over each proposal. For any late proposals please check the forum above.

In the latest wallet voting is now much easier. Navigate to the proposal area:

Open the wallet and in the side menu, go to Proposals. The wallet needs to be unlocked to cast votes. The Proposals screen shows all the proposals submitted to the network. Above the list of proposals there is an option to filter by Upcoming, which displays the proposals that can currently be voted on. Select this filter to view all proposals currently open for voting.

Review the proposals and the amount requested. It’s a good idea to consider the total Superblock budget, the other proposals amounts requested, the priorities of the project, and if the proposal aligns with those priorities and greater vision of the project. The link for each proposal should lead to a description of what the proposal is for with some background information and objectives. The voting system will automatically calculate how many votes you have available according to your balance (1 vote per 5000 BLOCK) and cast your full vote weight when voting (5562 BLOCK balance = 1 vote, 49635 BLOCK balance = 9 votes.

When ready to vote on a proposal, select the Vote button. A popup will appear that will be used to vote from. Select whether you’d like to approve the proposal (Yes) or vote against the proposal (No). After you have selected how you wish to vote, select the Vote button. This registers your vote to the network after the vote transaction has 1 confirmation (about 1 minute). Once you have voted you can change your vote by selecting the Change Vote button and selecting you new vote.

Voting Complete!

  1. Repeat this process for every proposal you are voting for.
  2. Your vote is not counted until the voting transaction fee has 1 confirmation (typically 1 minute), after which your votes will be accounted for.
  3. If you spend any of your 5000 BLOCK inputs after you vote, the vote is marked invalid and you will need to cast your vote(s) again.
  4. If you are staking, your vote will automatically re-cast.

The latest Superblock details are below in alphabetical order:

Superblock 1598400

Proposal Name: atc-infra-1598400 Owner: atcsecure

Cost: 800 BLOCK

Proposal: Infrastrucure


BlockDX backend support, forum, s3 buckets, and all other related infra costs.

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Proposal Name: core-dev-1598400 Owner: atcsecure

Cost: 25000 BLOCK

Proposal: Core Development


This covers payments to existing dev’s with 7500 block set aside into the dev fund to ramp up the dev team. Short-term focus is on the LW UI

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Proposal Name: corgi-sept Owner: Crypto Corgi

Cost: 820 BLOCK

Proposal: Crypto Corgi Twitter

  • Last Month:
  • Prepared and published engaging content daily to @The_Blocknet and @BlockDXExchange twitter accounts. Stats for the @BlockDXExchange account only:
  • July (final)

August (to date)

  • Researched quotes that we could use on the website landing page as testimonials and obtained approval to use quotes from the following individuals: Dan Wasyluk (Syscoin), Notsofast, Noah Seidman, Heidi Chakos (YouTuber), Crypto SI (PivX), Craig Claussen (BitBay), Josiah Spackman (DigiByte). You can view the quotes in Discord here
  • Created a new bio and new pinned tweet from the Blocknet twitter page (required some video editing)
  • Created a Block DX Instagram page
  • Coordinated a campaign to crowd source funds for memes, which ultimately generated this meme and this video
  • Began research and started discussions with potential crypto twitter influencers Blocknet could retain for paid tweets for increased awareness.

Overview :

  • Continue preparing and publishing engaging content daily to @The_Blocknet and @BlockDXExchange twitter accounts.
  • Communicate with followers, respond to queries in a timely manner and monitor user feedback.
  • Oversee the twitter brand image and implement social media strategy to align with project objectives
  • Stay up-to-date with crypto twitter, news, technology and trends
  • Collaborate with the team

Previous Work :

  • Growing the @BlockDXExchange twitter account from 0 to 5,600+ followers
  • Proven ability to generate both engaging and educational content, including viral tweets and engagements with social media influencers

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Proposal Name: devops-1598400 Owner: atcsecure

Cost: 4000 BLOCK

Proposal: Dev — Ops


The highlevel focus for devops is to automate as much as possible and create tooling to enable QA to easily setup environments and ultimately automate as much QA as possible


  • Autoenv setup: docker-composed based utility for snode operators, QA, and traders to quickly spin up full nodes
  • Autodocker: automatically generate dockerfiles based off manifest.json
  • AutoConfGen: automatically generate xbridge and wallet configs through manifest.json and base config
  • Create docker container with dashboard app for environment


  • Using new devops tools, create unit-test scripts/framework for DX trades through RPC interface
  • Provide manual testing of new releases against supported xbridge connectors/interfaces
  • Develop tool for extracting order info from logs

Work is already in flight for both the auto-snode-qa env and the automated config builder — WIP code has been pushed to github

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Proposal Name: fazer-dxmbot-010 Owner: Fazer

Cost: 700 BLOCK (fazer) (development + running experimental 24/7 liquidity bot for testing, debug, collect stats)

Proposal: DX Bot

Previous Work:

  • fazer-dxmbot-001
  • fazer-dxmbot-002
  • fazer-dxmbot-003
  • fazer-dxmbot-004
  • fazer-dxmbot-005
  • fazer-dxmbot-006
  • fazer-dxmbot-007
  • fazer-dxmbot-008
  • fazer-dxmbot-009

All next followed features list will be prioritized on the fly by research and development of dxmakerbot. Done/in testing updates of this “rolling up” proposal are moved from Overview: to Previous Work: section.


  • Purpose of this proposal is to continue with dxmakerbot research, development, testing, bugfixing, support, code refactoring and rolling-up new features and makerbot versions.
  • possible features/work to be done:
  • add more dxmakerbot events/features(exit bot events, reset order events, reopen order events, wait order events)
  • add save and restore orders from file
  • save orders to db before exit, dxmakerbot session will be able to cancel only session specified orders on reconfig/exit/crash
  • update configuration verification if missing something to be more user friendly
  • PUMP/DUMP auto management, feature is expected in V3 makerbot
  • autodetect and precompute possible next pump
  • dxtakerbot/dxmakerbot automatically selling all coins of wallet which is detected as going to dump…
  • feature is to automatically compute top price of next pump and cover it.
  • feature to opposite dxbot side to detect pump/dump to disable dxbot to not make a loss.
  • add logarithmic/exponential/linear staggered mods for orders size and price
    — possibly also add log exp linear orders-spread distribution. have some discussion about it, but still not sure.
  • educational examples & info-graphics & video tutorials how to use dxmakerbot
  • release makerbot v3 which will be complex fileconfig BlockDX maker/taker bot with pre-configured multiple strategies which will be automatically executed/stopped by hiting conditions to ie: auto long, short, stabilize price.
  • mirroring open orders from external exchanges
  • staggered orders row/valley/hill + log/exp/linear.

I believe that i gives you many reasons to vote up this proposal to continue dxmakerbot development and all stuff around.
Thanks for your time & MTFBWY Hopefully see you later on upcoming dxmakerbot development.

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Proposal Name: Graphic_Design Owner: Corgi — I am submitting this proposal on behalf of I Can Haz Crypto

Cost: 500 BLOCK

Proposal: Graphic Design / memes

I Can Haz Crypto 5 is an award winning Senior Graphic Designer with over 13 years in the printing and advertising industry and is an avid cryptocurrency enthusiast.

He is the owner/operator of BTFD Shop 7 and also create memes/gifs which he shares on his twitter account I Can Haz Crypto 5.

You can also view his website portfolio here 6

He created the following meme for Blocknet: 5

As well as the following video (I added the music): 1

This proposal is for funds for I Can Haz Crypto 5 to work with the team/community to produce various memes/images and branded content that can shared across our social media.

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Proposal Name: hanniabu-1598400 Owner: Hanniabu

Cost: 1650 BLOCK

Proposal: CMC updates / newsletter / documentation / APIs


  • This proposal covers the following work:
  • (14hrs) Update the Block DX website for Coinmarketcap exchange listing requirements
  • (6hrs) Spec out and update the blockchain config manifest.json file format to support Block DX mandatory config updates and project profiles for the Block DX website updates
  • (10hrs) Compose the biweekly newsletters and newsletter announcements (discord, telegram, email, signal)
  • (2hrs) Update Coinmarketcap tags, description, and revise other information
  • (6hrs) Documentation updates (EXR setup guide + misc changes)
  • (1hr) Updated bootstrap image
  • (3hrs) Update API docs and wallet help messages with new API calls

Next to each task is the estimated amount of time it will take to complete that item. If a task is completed in less than that amount of time then that time will be put towards overflow to complete the other tasks. If an item takes longer than expected to completed then work will be put on hold until a following proposal where an update will be provided.

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Proposal Name: qa-bots-1598400 Owner: atcsecure

Cost: 500 BLOCK

Proposal: QA Bots


QA-BOTS: This fund will be used to buy tokens and setup up order-bots on the DX for each of the supported assets [focus will be on assets with active communities]. This will enable additional QA for those coins, enable community involvement and provide orders on those books

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Proposal Name: rigden-blocknet-pocketnet Owner: Rigden15937 on discord

Cost: 100 BLOCK

Proposal: Pocketnet

Previous Work:
Custom Blocknet key chains for Fazer

What about to spread little bit more awareness about Blocknet on pocketnet social network where bunch of crypto conscious people are? Aren’t they a potential investors?

I just registered some nicknames on pocketnet and im ready to start mirroring news from Blocknet and BlockDX on pocketnet.




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Proposal Name: rigden-blocknet-tshirts Owner: Rigden15937 on discord

Cost: 400 BLOCK

Proposal: Blocknet tshirts

Previous Work:
Blocknet key chains for Fazer

What about to spread little bit more awareness about Blocknet by walking ads, like custom made Blocknet tshirts are? Can’t they attract potential investors?

50 tshirts == 50 * 9 = 450 USD == 400 BLOCK

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Proposal Name: SocialPhilip_SEP20 Owner: Philip

Cost: 200 BLOCK

Proposal: Copywriter, Social Media Admin Proposal

  • I will publish the regular newsletter and proposal summary updates. Articles are currently on hold.

Cost Assessment:

A fixed amount of 200 BLOCK from the Superblock (Plus 10 BLOCK fee) @ $.1.40 per BLOCK. I work between 1 hour and 5 hours on BLOCK items every day.

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Proposal Name: Shorn-marketing-seo-strategy-1598400 Owner: Shorn

Cost: 3500 BLOCK

Proposal: Marketing / SEO

Overview :

Hi all.

After the recent changes to the Blocknet team structure, and specifically with the Ops team being voted out, I have been thinking how we can move the project forward and what we can put in place to improve the communication and marketing strategy. While keeping the budget limitations in mind, I have identified areas that I think we can work on that could be the most effective. This proposal covers the bulk of the work that I propose to do each week to deliver in the following key areas:

  1. Plan the website changeover process so we can get the new website live, including: work on the new text content with other contributors, identify and plan the blog (Wordpress) updates as needed, and export the new html to GitHub pages after final browser tests).
  2. Plan a new SEO campaign (with @redactedman — an estimated 500–750 further funding would be needed for an SEO freelancer and article writers after initial research phase is completed — there would be a separate SB funding proposal for this)
  3. Research other online marketing ideas and present ideas to the community (such as ‘Opt-in’ marketing campaigns to drive more traffic to Discord from social media, website and blog platforms, incentivised social media campaigns, reddit and 4chan shill teams)
  4. Develop a new high-level public roadmap: replace the existing ‘lists of tasks’ with a new high-level structure that aims to align the internal dev roadmap with investor and community expectations, reinforcing blocknet’s position as cutting-edge tech project — (with input from atcsecure and as many of the current and previous contributors as possible)
  5. Discuss and plan a new email and social media process to roll out more frequent news, dev updates and sharing authoritative articles (along with Corgi, Philip and anyone else who has experience in email / SM marketing)
  6. Discuss and plan a new visual content production process with relevant community members — regular social media asset production to deliver more engaging content (videos, gifs, static)
  7. User-onboarding initiative — discuss and plan initiatives to incentivise onboarding of users and increase dev- and end-user participation
  8. Provide bi-weekly reports on the progress of this proposal

There are many small marketing-related tasks that can be worked on and my aim throughout September is to identify where further opportunities exist and to evaluate the impact of undertaking those. We need to be continuously researching new ideas and planning how we can deliver these as effectively and efficiently as possible with a limited budget.

NB. not all tasks may be completed this coming month as some require a longer-term strategy.

At the end of each two week period I will provide an update on the progress and expected completion dates of tasks if applicable.

About me

Since joining Blocknet a couple of months ago I have delivered the following projects (pls keep in mind some of these haven’t yet been released publicly):

  • new newsletter style and layout design
  • website relaunch project incl. research, analysis, design and build
  • new Lite Wallet UI design
  • new mobile Lite Wallet UI design
  • new Block DX trading UI — early-stage work in progress

If you have any questions or concerns about this proposal then please reach out to me here on discord or telegram, either by PM or in the public channels, and I will try and answer any questions.

Costs: 25 hrs a week for one month = 100 hrs for September — @ 35 Block/hr = 3500 BLOCK

We have created a separate proposal notification email alert reminder that snode owners can sign up for here so they do not forget to vote. (This email is separate to the Word on the BLOCK newsletter email).

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Proposal Name: xBrowser Owner: Coinatomy

Cost: 3000 BLOCK

Proposal: xBrowser

Overview :

Would you like to make inter-chain transactions through a website?
Or take payments for your DAPPs, ecommerce and more?

Look no further! We want to integrate the block dx into a metamask plugin

xRouter + Metamask = xBrowser

Here is a picture showing the concept:


Exchange in your browser
Send payments to website owners
Interact with dapps
Get snode rewards
Volume for the dx
Easy to integrate
Get basic users trying the dx
Good for blocknet shilling
Spend your altcoins on services that demand bitcoin

Funds will be used to pay a small team of developers to get this built!

xBrowser will require block DX running in the background to make exchanges.

I think this will be a big step towards mass adoption with blocknet

If anyone can help contribute, let me know!

Previous Work:
Also check out my calculator that I built: 14

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The Blocknet Protocol
The Blocknet Protocol

Written by The Blocknet Protocol

Blocknet is a 2nd layer blockchain interoperability protocol that enables communication, interaction & exchange between different blockchains.

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