Please Vote For The Latest Community Superblock: 1296000

The Blocknet Protocol
18 min readJan 22, 2020


Hello Snode owners! It’s time to vote for the latest proposals!

There is a great responsibility for Service Node (Snode) owners to vote either “yes,” or “no,” on the proposals. It cannot be emphasised enough how much the community as well as the Blocknet team relies on Snodes to vote on project proposals to ensure continued funding for development of the Blocknet.

The proposals for superblock 1296000 can be viewed below or on the FORUM forum here. Please note, proposals are being submitted individually so please make sure you scroll down and take your time to look over each proposal. FOR ANY LATE PROPOSALS PLEASE CHECK THE FORUM ABOVE.

In the latest wallet voting is now much easier. Navigate to the proposal area:

Click the “Vote” button for a proposal you wish to vote on and choose “yes”, “no” or “abstain” to vote. (If voting for multiple nodes or a vps, check “Vote many”.)

If using an older wallet, follow the instructions on how to vote for each proposal below.

The latest Superblock details are below in alphabetical order:

Superblock 1252800

Proposal Name: 86b-1296000 Owner: 86b

Cost: 8030 BLOCK

Proposal: Operations

Various Dec-Jan tasks completed:

  • ETH and EOS-related tasks
  • ETH and EOS setup guides and related posts
  • Creation and testing of EOS Docker Image
  • Researching, testing and validating ETH Docker containers to fit Blocknet needs
  • Discussing best practices with EOS BP devs and investigating EOS release candidate errors and issues
  • Preliminary discussions and research related to testing and utilizing new state-history engine with EOS Amsterdam devs
  • Identified and overhauled ETH node related to Parity hard fork
  • Reorganized and formatted storage disks on test server to better fit ETH + EOS simultaneous needs
  • Stability testing on SPV ETH consensus-based calls and reviewing/documenting lockups and issues
  • Ongoing replay, syncing, and backing up of EOS chain
  • Monitoring ongoing geth upload to Blocknet S3 (upload being completed by Fattox)
  • Project forecasting, admin, community management, and strategy
  • Core Team strategic discussions
  • Contributing to development of roadmap
  • Community monitoring and admin-related tasks
  • Game-planned, advised, and helped implement vote-on-stake feature
  • Sharing and analyzing competitor research
  • gettradingdata assessment
  • CFA voting and spending sheet updates
  • Testing and v4.0.0 QA
  • Ongoing staking QA
  • Battle tested and verified voting cutoff periods
  • cli-based voting QA
  • ContentType= xbridge.conf entry testing
  • Proposal payout priority QA
  • Balances fix
  • Orphan handling fix
  • snode registration QA
  • snode offline handling
  • Unlock for staking
  • HD wallet handling and assessment
  • Reorganized and overhauled v4.0.0 environment due to chain issue on testnet
  • Proposal parsing fix
  • Vote-on-stake testing
  • Coin Integration and Testing
  • Configuration, testing, and coin updates
  • Genesis tests on prospective coin additions
  • Located and identified new feature to be added for blockchains with tx-comment fields
  • Retested and offered advice on best way to address BTC forks leveraging transactions requiring a forkid
  • Communicating with necessary projects regarding coin changes

The v4.0.0 release will still be a major focus for the Jan - Feb Superblock period as well as many tasks similar to those completed above in the previous period. Future goals include making a major push to both the Ethereum and EOS dev communities with regards to existing XRouter/XCloud services and also future XRouter/XCloud services based on developer feedback. My future and ongoing tasks will also include many of the following items:

  • v4.0.0 codebase testing.
  • XBridge, XRouter, and XCloud testing and QA.
  • Block DX UI QA.
  • Wallet/Client release QA.
  • Auto configuration (wizard) updates testing and QA.
  • Testing environments — Installation/config/maintenance/expansion of all relevant systems.
  • Other bug reporting, error tracking, and logging + any other relevant QA tasks with UAT/devs.
  • Partake in any BizDev/partnership discussions with potential partners.
  • Integration strategy — Including future platform investigation/testing within UAT (ETH, EOS and beyond).
  • Product analysis — Related to the areas both the above (external products) and below (our products). Discussions within the team on technical considerations.
  • Assisting in any efforts we make towards pushing awareness of Blocknet throughout the communities of our supported projects and partners, as well as towards fresh eyes, by working with new partners and influencers where advantageous. Co-marketing efforts may be taken up when deemed to be beneficial.
  • Collaborating on content creation for Blocknet’s Social Media, to aid in driving traffic to our site and community channels.
  • Collaborating on other developmental/marketing strategies and initiatives, with both the Strategy group and the team as a whole.
  • Collaborating on the creation and maintenance of documentation: EG Tutorials, resources, informative articles and other content, for both our community and a wider audience.
  • Collaboration and communication with current partners, delegates and other teams we work with.
  • Dealing with any necessary discussions and negotiations undertaken with any other potential partners and third-parties who would like to work with us. EG: Exchanges, dev teams and any other interested parties.
  • Communicating closely with content creators to arrange the creation of works (videos, podcasts, articles), focused on promoting Blocknet to the masses.
  • Coin Announcements lifecycle: from initial integration/QA to community/partner outreach and coordination of announcements/support. Creating ANN media.
  • Helping to support and promote the use of Block DX to communities that are integrated in to our protocol, both old and new. Using raffles, airdrops, tips (etc) as a way to enable people to try the DX using these small portions of BLOCK as trade-fees.
  • Support — Both within the community and also helping out partners who are interested in testing our products.

Any questions or concerns, feel free to ping me at any time!

How to vote:

  • If not voting via the proposal area in the wallet (as described above) you can instead vote using the following method:
  • Open wallet and go to Tools > Debug Console. The debug console will open in a new window.
  • To vote for Proposal: 86b-1296000, type the following command:
mnbudget vote  6b918d79d76feb731a9966e0f124810210f9244fb83e26a53dae39c9d66b5ef4 yes/no
  • If voting with multiple node, you can use “mnbudget vote-many….”
  • If voting from the terminal, type in the following:
blocknetdx-cli mnbudget vote  6b918d79d76feb731a9966e0f124810210f9244fb83e26a53dae39c9d66b5ef4yes/no

— — — —

Proposal Name: aderks-ops-1296000 Owner: Aderks

Cost: 2083 BLOCK

Proposal: Operations


To continue working with the Ops team for the month of February.


I’ve been around since the inception of Blocknet in 2014 (Blocknet’s ITO) but did not start contributing until I saw a need in 2017. The first moment where I knew I was hooked on helping the project was when Dan asked for volunteers to help test a trade on the DX.

January Work:

  • Block DX QA:
  • Finished QA of dxGetNewTokenAddress button
  • 1st QA run through of Blocknet 4.0.0 support
  • Localization: order form, balances, nav bar stats
  • Blocknet Core / V18 upgrade QA:
  • Proposal screens and voting
  • Fix that caused client crash on XR payment
  • Gitian 4.0 sanity checks on (Windows 64 / ARM Builds)
  • Fix for XR error on JSON parser to accept string responses
  • Fix for Ethereum SPV calls (HTTP 415 error)
  • Feature: RPC XCloud plugins accept JSON version and payload type
  • XBridge help messages
  • XRouter help messages
  • Keyname update for gettradingdata
  • Feature: Vote on stake (still working through this QA)
  • Balances issue on re-design
  • Fix for XCloud plugins fee not broadcasting to clients
  • XRproxy QA:
  • ETH SPV support/fixes
  • User/Pass to accept empty authorization
  • XR payments (still need to test)
  • XCloud API Documentation Portal:
  • Progress can be viewed here: (link is subject to change as this is still in the developing stage)
  • Note: Blockchain and Oracle API calls will be separated
  • Finished current Blockchain API calls supported


  • Intro page
  • Setup page (usage, paying for HTTP XR calls)
  • GitHub for 3rd party operators to submit their supported calls
  • Google Forms & Sheet to request calls
  • QA
  • Discord API bot:
  • Currently migrating bot to be used on Blocknet 4.0 (DM for details)


  • 2083 BLOCK
  • SB payout calculated using $1 USD/BLOCK
  • Feel free to ask me publicly or in DM what I am currently working on

How to vote:

  • If not voting via the proposal area in the wallet (as described above) you can instead vote using the following method:
  • Open wallet and go to Tools > Debug Console. The debug console will open in a new window.
  • To vote for Proposal: aderks-ops-1296000, type the following command:
mnbudget vote 17a55b2e42cf2f96925978ca11f45b878674d5bf0f4bc8ca9fd7080ced45b747 yes/no
  • If voting with multiple node, you can use “mnbudget vote-many….”
  • If voting from the terminal, type in the following:
blocknetdx-cli mnbudget vote     17a55b2e42cf2f96925978ca11f45b878674d5bf0f4bc8ca9fd7080ced45b747 yes/no

— — — —

Proposal Name: Atc-infra-sb1296000 Owner: atcsecure

Cost: 650 BLOCK

Proposal: Support Infrastructure

Previous Work: Blocknet Forum, BlockDX auto config, S3, Gitian build system, seed nodes

Overview: Covers infrastructure related costs for BlockDX, Blocknet Forum, S3, Gitian, and seed nodes

How to vote:

  • If not voting via the proposal area in the wallet (as described above) you can instead vote using the following method:
  • Open wallet and go to Tools > Debug Console. The debug console will open in a new window.
  • To vote for Proposal: Atc-infra-sb1296000, type the following command:
mnbudget vote    aafbb6112dbe9780e0b9c1fbfdc7f65b4182bfad545f8c77dd996f4872e2b721 yes/no
  • If voting with multiple node, you can use “mnbudget vote-many….”
  • If voting from the terminal, type in the following:
blocknetdx-cli mnbudget vote    aafbb6112dbe9780e0b9c1fbfdc7f65b4182bfad545f8c77dd996f4872e2b721 yes/no

— — — —

Proposal Name: atc-xbdev2-sb1296000 Owner: atcsecure

Cost: 3800 BLOCK

Proposal: Partial Trade XBridge Implementation for Block DX

Previous Work: n/a

Overview: Partial Trade XBridge Implementation

  • spec design
  • implementation
  • ETA 4 Weeks pure development, then 2–4 weeks testing/fixing [ this is an estimate, due to the spec design/requirements additional time may be required]

How to vote:

  • If not voting via the proposal area in the wallet (as described above) you can instead vote using the following method:
  • Open wallet and go to Tools > Debug Console. The debug console will open in a new window.
  • To vote for Proposal: atc-xbdev2-sb1296000, type the following command:
mnbudget vote      b7e3a4da35a68f389f5d6322e823909d5982f4648739de2fb758148a357deb20 yes/no
  • If voting with multiple node, you can use “mnbudget vote-many….”
  • If voting from the terminal, type in the following:
blocknetdx-cli mnbudget vote      b7e3a4da35a68f389f5d6322e823909d5982f4648739de2fb758148a357deb20 yes/no

— — — —

Proposal Name: blockdx-dev-feb-20 Owner: Hanniabu

Cost: 2500 BLOCK

Proposal: Block DX Development

Block DX requires continued javascript development, maintenance, and bug fixing. This work is being completed by a js developer that has been working with the team on Block DX since January 2018.


  • Wrap up 1.6.0 release (contains updates for 4.0.0 wallet, localization integration, dxGetNewTokenAddress integration)
  • Review work on Litewallet auto setup
  • Additional misc bug fixes
  • We need to regroup and reprioritize tasks (part of the larger roadmap discussion), but the next task that will be started will likely be either order book filtering or verified asset indication

How to vote:

  • If not voting via the proposal area in the wallet (as described above) you can instead vote using the following method:
  • Open wallet and go to Tools > Debug Console. The debug console will open in a new window.
  • To vote for Proposal: blockdx-dev-feb-20, type the following command:
mnbudget vote   b06b2ef11723f0672739fc248013ff3e06c757fbeef14a0caa277a1db8dd918d yes/no
  • If voting with multiple node, you can use “mnbudget vote-many….”
  • If voting from the terminal, type in the following:
blocknetdx-cli mnbudget vote   b06b2ef11723f0672739fc248013ff3e06c757fbeef14a0caa277a1db8dd918d yes/no

— — — —

Proposal Name: buildserver-cost-feb Owner: michael

Cost: 630 BLOCK

Proposal: Build Server

This build and test server is responsible for auto-generating all of the dev builds for Linux, Mac, Windows and is important for QA testing as well as for validating Blocknet’s code on github. It also allows the community to beta test our upcoming releases.

Builds can be reviewed here: (new wallet, Blocknet 4.0)

How to vote:

  • If not voting via the proposal area in the wallet (as described above) you can instead vote using the following method:
  • Open wallet and go to Tools > Debug Console. The debug console will open in a new window.
  • To vote for Proposal: buildserver-cost-feb, type the following command:
mnbudget vote   8f6888a9ef2d7ecd8665c6b6c7cc1609f77a0536fb9b4a80c4512ff9f1d6bb33 yes/no
  • If voting with multiple node, you can use “mnbudget vote-many….”
  • If voting from the terminal, type in the following:
blocknetdx-cli mnbudget vote   8f6888a9ef2d7ecd8665c6b6c7cc1609f77a0536fb9b4a80c4512ff9f1d6bb33 yes/no

— — — —

Proposal Name: corgi-feb Owner: Crypto Corgi

Cost: 690 BLOCK

Proposal: Crypto Corgi

Overview: Continue managing and growing the Block DX and XRouter twitter accounts. This includes drafting engaging tweets, creating GIFs, creating images, replying the tweets, staying up to date on crypto twitter, etc.

Starting this month I will also be contributing tweets to @The_Blocknet twitter on an occasional basis, though it will not be my main focus.

Previous Work:

Last month turned out to be our best month yet in all categories:

This month we are on pace to break the Tweet Impression record from last month. Followers have slowed this month but still growing at at decent rate and profile visits remain solid.

I have also started focusing a bit more on the XRouter account with the recent developments, which saw some solid growth:

You will also notice that both the Block DX and XRouter twitter accounts have received design make-overs

How to vote:

  • If not voting via the proposal area in the wallet (as described above) you can instead vote using the following method:
  • Open wallet and go to Tools > Debug Console. The debug console will open in a new window.
  • To vote for Proposal: corgi-feb, type the following command:
mnbudget vote    41e36ac0a498c7951bb6e703606079a0fbd2e7795e698bcdf18398e5fabfe7f0 yes/no
  • If voting with multiple node, you can use “mnbudget vote-many….”
  • If voting from the terminal, type in the following:
blocknetdx-cli mnbudget vote    41e36ac0a498c7951bb6e703606079a0fbd2e7795e698bcdf18398e5fabfe7f0 yes/no

— — — —

Proposal Name: hanniabu-1296000 Owner: Hanni Abu

Cost: 4000 BLOCK

Proposal: Core Contributions

Previous Work:
I began contributing in August 2017 when I saw there were areas the project could use help in. The first thing I worked on was an informational website ( 1) since informational resources we lacking. This led to submitting my first Superblock proposal that next month for further contribution.

Since then I have been responsible for multiple projects and tasks, as well have assisted in others. Some of these items are as follows:

  • API documentation (
  • New configurations file format:
  • Compose documentation (
  • Block DX website ( 1)
  • Compose content
  • Compose specifications
  • Wallet QA (MacOS)
  • Block DX task management, development, and QA (MacOS)
  • Website development
  • Participate in interviews
  • Roadmap discussion
  • Manage and organize files and documents
  • Review announcements and publications
  • Convention prep, attending convention, and followups
  • Newsletter content, review, and submission
  • Article reviews
  • Release announcements, posts, and emails
  • Respond to questions from the community
  • Respond to emails
  • Exchange communication
  • Fill out applications and forms

Below is a list of items I have been working on the past Superblock period.

  • Daily intra-team communication and coordination
  • Reviewed/finalized the newsletter
  • Submitted newsletter email
  • Continued documentation
  • Maintain existing documentation
  • Maintain blockchain-configuration-files
  • Maintain and update bootstrap files
  • Maintain API documentation
  • Block DX website maintenance
  • Block DX QA, release, manage tasks
  • Wallet v4.0.0 QA
  • Wallet v4.0.0 update help messages
  • Create new roadmap

As a core contributor of Blocknet, I take part in many daily tasks that help keep the project running smoothly, as well as larger tasks that move Blocknet forward. Putting in an average 60 hours a week, I partake in projects that build Blocknet’s foundation and assist in other projects in order to help meet objectives. This proposal is for compensation to allow me to continue contributing to Blocknet for the next upcoming Superblock period.

I have a technical background with a degree in mechanical engineering, prior development experience, and have spent a few years a a few early stage startups (pre and post seed round). This experience helps in various aspects of the project including working in a fast-paced environment, wearing multiple ‘hats’, pivoting priorities and tasks, understanding the project technicals and vision, communicating the different components, conveying concepts into diagrams and text, and budgeting and financials.

Attention to detail is another useful trait. When reviewing interface UI and user experience, performing QA, writing specifications and documents, and communicating concepts, this attention to detail is important as it’s typically the intricacies that make a difference.

In addition to daily tasks, the following list are main items I plan to be working on in the following Superblock period. Keep in mind that some of these may not be completed this upcoming Superblock period, may be pushed back due to a change in priority, or may be ongoing long term items.

  • Manage Block DX tasks
  • Continued documentation and tutorials
  • Continued development
  • Roadmap refinement
  • Update content (already in progress)

The amount requested for this Superblock is a retainer to continue contributing to this project.

How to vote:

  • If not voting via the proposal area in the wallet (as described above) you can instead vote using the following method:
  • Open wallet and go to Tools > Debug Console. The debug console will open in a new window.
  • To vote for Proposal: hanniabu-1296000, type the following command:
mnbudget vote   daedbd5a6feab39980a35102be1001b2b3ec37e0a48deda452ca5a27b140842c yes/no
  • If voting with multiple node, you can use “mnbudget vote-many….”
  • If voting from the terminal, type in the following:
blocknetdx-cli mnbudget vote   daedbd5a6feab39980a35102be1001b2b3ec37e0a48deda452ca5a27b140842c    yes/no

— — — —

Proposal Name: infinity7592–1296000 Owner: Infinity7592

Cost: 385 BLOCK

Proposal: Debugging

  • Ledger issued a new communication protocol to fix the fact that the u2f communication
    protocol is broken.
  • This new communication protocol is still experimental.
  • Currently testing whether it works or not…. continued…

How to vote:

  • If not voting via the proposal area in the wallet (as described above) you can instead vote using the following method:
  • Open wallet and go to Tools > Debug Console. The debug console will open in a new window.
  • To vote for Proposal: infinity7592–1296000, type the following command:
mnbudget vote   b1f07c802b5f95b00dee6dd6473928b3f86372a7501755210390a91b268568b9 yes/no
  • If voting with multiple node, you can use “mnbudget vote-many….”
  • If voting from the terminal, type in the following:
blocknetdx-cli mnbudget vote   b1f07c802b5f95b00dee6dd6473928b3f86372a7501755210390a91b268568b9 yes/no

— — — —

Proposal Name: michael-dev-feb Owner: michael

Cost: 15350 BLOCK

Proposal: Core Development

January recap
This month has been heavily focused on fixing Blocknet 4.0 bugs in preparation of the upcoming release. The team decided to push the release back to provide time to add a vote on stake feature that will make it easier for voters to manage votes. When a vote is staked it will be automatically recast on your behalf. Blocknet 4.0 progress can be reviewed in two branches: 1 and Test builds for the Blocknet 4.0 release can be obtained here:

February Development Overview
The goal is to release Blocknet 4.0 after the superblock 30. I will continue developing XRouter libraries that will allow developers to query the network without any wallets installed locally. I will also continue working on the Enterprise XRouter Proxy that will support high traffic service node operators. There may be bugs and issues reported over the next few weeks, as a result, I will be working on improvements and bug fixes on the new 4.0 wallet.

Current tasks

  • Blocknet 4.0 release
  • Vote-on-stake feature (QA)
  • XRouter C++ library
  • Bug fixes and optimizations

Other tasks

  • Maintenance and bug fixes on Blocknet products (XBridge, XRouter, XCloud, Block DX)

Upcoming XRouter tasks:

  • XRouter golang library
  • Blocknet Name Service (XRouter DNS)
  • Nginx support (COMPLETE)
  • URL plugin type (COMPLETE)

How to vote:

  • If not voting via the proposal area in the wallet (as described above) you can instead vote using the following method:
  • Open wallet and go to Tools > Debug Console. The debug console will open in a new window.
  • To vote for Proposal: michael-dev-feb, type the following command:
mnbudget vote   6367d0e9a192703cf31a0199aa699b1dcc9e79aec4a22d8800161dec4fa4a92c yes/no
  • If voting with multiple node, you can use “mnbudget vote-many….”
  • If voting from the terminal, type in the following:
blocknetdx-cli mnbudget vote   6367d0e9a192703cf31a0199aa699b1dcc9e79aec4a22d8800161dec4fa4a92c yes/no

— — — —

Proposal Name: proj-costs-1296000 Owner: 86b

Cost: 848 BLOCK

Proposal: Project Costs

Overview :

This proposal is to cover our AWS, cloud services, and MailChimp project costs for this Superblock period. Services include:

  • S3 Data Transfer
  • S3 Storage
  • EC2 costs
  • Various AWS fees and utilities
  • VPS addnode support + testing servers
  • E-mail subscription services

How to vote:

  • If not voting via the proposal area in the wallet (as described above) you can instead vote using the following method:
  • Open wallet and go to Tools > Debug Console. The debug console will open in a new window.
  • To vote for Proposal: proj-costs-1296000 type the following command:
mnbudget vote   f72d56c7cc147c5bf99a05aad90973925ac2902ff554017ddc53a17829a296b7 yes/no
  • If voting with multiple node, you can use “mnbudget vote-many….”
  • If voting from the terminal, type in the following:
blocknetdx-cli mnbudget vote   f72d56c7cc147c5bf99a05aad90973925ac2902ff554017ddc53a17829a296b7 yes/no

— — — —

Proposal Name: SocialPhilip_FEB20 Owner: Philip

Cost: 1000 BLOCK

Proposal: Copywriter, Social media Admin

Previous, Recent and forthcoming tasks:

  • I have started work on a comparison of XRouter with other similar projects. This will take the form of a comparison graphic in a similar vain to the DX graphic:*T8KscI52HFjCSe52h6YRhg.png 1
  • I have started an accompanying article for the above comparison that examines Blockchain 3.0 projects. Both of these items will be onging as they require in-depth analysis and research.
  • A new article on XRouter has been outlined and will be commissioned for a Crypto Tech news site.
  • In addition to the above XRouter article, with the recent addition of EOS and ETH to the blocknet network, a new article on what a decentralized Infura might look like will be published on a Crypto news site. This article is now in publishing discovery phase.
  • A new article on the v18 BTC base chain update and governance is currently in the editing stages. This will be published as soon as QA for the v4.0.0. release is completed.
  • I published the regular newsletter and proposal summary updates and will continue to do so.

A selection of previous articles and press releases I have written this year:

It’s time to stop learning lessons the hard way: Leave centralized exchange hacks behind and enter a world of security and peace of mind with Block DX

XRouter — The Biggest Advancement Since Ethereum

Blocknet makes Sia Storage available on the Internet of Blockchains


The Evolution of the Decentralized Exchange: A Brief History

Exchange Hackings, Security and Freedom: Why Would Traditional Exchanges Embrace a Decentralized Exchange?


Introducing XRouter. Developers Can Now Mix And Match Any Blockchain Via The World’s First Blockchain Router

Block DX: Saving time, maintaining privacy


Overview :

  • Maintain and manage the social media profile of Blocknet on our main website blog pages, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, BTCTalk, Youtube, Medium and other platforms.
  • Ensure communications from the developers and marketing team can be transmitted in a clear and timely manner to the community.
  • Respond to the community.
  • Compile and write regular newsletter and proposal summary.
  • Contribute to various marketing materials and initiatives.
  • Write press releases and news updates.
  • Write and create articles for specific initiatives.
  • Manage, source, correspond and coordinate payments to news and media outlets.
  • Maintain various internal spreadsheets.
  • Participate in strategy discussions as part of the strategy group.

Cost Assessment:

A fixed amount of 1000 BLOCK from Superblock (Plus 10 BLOCK fee) @ $0.94 per BLOCK.

How to vote:

  • If not voting via the proposal area in the wallet (as described above) you can instead vote using the following method:
  • Open wallet and go to Tools > Debug Console. The debug console will open in a new window.
  • To vote for Proposal: SocialPhilip_FEB20, type the following command:
mnbudget vote  c165d8f0533a8d3661f83f083e047ecd3275851b9fb168439d618b10da77368d yes/no
  • If voting with multiple node, you can use “mnbudget vote-many….”
  • If voting from the terminal, type in the following:
blocknetdx-cli mnbudget vote  c165d8f0533a8d3661f83f083e047ecd3275851b9fb168439d618b10da77368d yes/no

— — — —

For more detailed instructions see:

  • An introduction to Superblocks and a guide to submitting and voting for proposals, can be found here.
  • A proposal category was created in the Blocknet Discord for focused and specific discussion of proposals and ideas. Within this category, there is a channel called #anon-snode-feedback for Service Node owners to provide anonymous feedback on proposals.
  • Votes in favor must be greater than votes against by at least 10% of the total number of Service Nodes.
  • The proposals that pass are sorted in a descending order list by the sum of yes votes minus no votes. If multiple proposals have an equal sum of yes votes minus no votes, those are sorted randomly. If there are not enough funds remaining in the Superblock for a proposal to be paid out, it is skipped (not paid out), and the next proposal in the list is checked.
  • Multi-month proposals are voted on each month and are treated in the same manner as normal proposals in the ordered list.
  • There is also something called a ‘final budget,’ which needs to be submitted between 2880 blocks and 28 blocks before the Superblock. By default, Service Nodes automatically vote yes on final budgets. Moving forward, proposal voting will end 2880 blocks before the Superblock since the final budget locks in the proposal vote counts.
  • An introduction to Superblocks and a guide to voting can be found here.
  • In addition, we have created a separate proposal notification email alert reminder that snode owners can sign up for here so they do not forget to vote. (This email is separate to the Word on the BLOCK newsletter email).


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The Blocknet Protocol
The Blocknet Protocol

Written by The Blocknet Protocol

Blocknet is a 2nd layer blockchain interoperability protocol that enables communication, interaction & exchange between different blockchains.

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