Please Vote For The Latest Community Superblock: 1339200

The Blocknet Protocol
19 min readFeb 18, 2020


It’s time to vote for the latest proposals! Please note: Voting has changed with the release of Blocknet Comet. Please view the updated requirements regarding voting here.

There is a great responsibility for the community to vote either “yes,” or “no,” on the proposals. It cannot be emphasised enough how much the proposal authors and the Blocknet team relies on the community to vote on project proposals to ensure continued funding for development of the Blocknet.

The proposals for superblock 1339200 can be viewed below or on the FORUM forum here. Please note, proposals are being submitted individually so please make sure you scroll down and take your time to look over each proposal. FOR ANY LATE PROPOSALS PLEASE CHECK THE FORUM ABOVE.

Voting has changed with the release of Blocknet Comet. Please view the updated requirments regarding voting here.

In the latest wallet voting is now much easier. Navigate to the proposal area:

Open the wallet and in the side menu, go to Proposals. The wallet needs to be unlocked to cast votes.

The Proposals screen shows all the proposals submitted to the network. Above the list of proposals there is an option to filter by Upcoming, which displays the proposals that can currently be voted on. Select this filter to view all proposals currently open for voting.

Review the proposals and the amount requested. It’s a good idea to consider the total Superblock budget, the other proposals amounts requested, the priorities of the project, and if the proposal aligns with those priorities and greater vision of the project. The link for each proposal should lead to a description of what the proposal is for with some background information and objectives.

The voting system will automatically calculate how many votes you have available according to your balance (1 vote per 5000 BLOCK) and cast your full vote weight when voting (5562 BLOCK balance = 1 vote, 49635 BLOCK balance = 9 votes.

When ready to vote on a proposal, select the Vote button. A popup will appear that will be used to vote from. Select whether you’d like to approve the proposal (Yes) or vote against the proposal (No). After you have selected how you wish to vote, select the Vote button. This registers your vote to the network after the vote transaction has 1 confirmation (about 1 minute).

Once you have voted you can change your vote by selecting the Change Vote button and selecting you new vote.

Voting Complete!

  1. Repeat this process for every proposal you are voting for.
  2. Your vote is not counted until the voting transaction fee has 1 confirmation (typically 1 minute), after which your votes will be accounted for.
  3. If you spend any of your 5000 BLOCK inputs after you vote, the vote is marked invalid and you will need to cast your vote(s) again.
  4. If you are staking, your vote will automatically re-cast.

The latest Superblock details are below in alphabetical order:

Superblock 1339200

Proposal Name: ARBIT-Market-Making-v2–1339200 Owner: Arbit

Cost: 1800 BLOCK

Proposal: Market Making

Please Note: Updated to version 2 because of a mistake with the correct hash and cost.

Previous Work:
ARBIT Corporation is a Canadian market maker in business since 2015 that has provided $220 Million of trading volume across 9 ALTCOINS to date. We have been providing services to the BLOCKNET community since 2016. We became an early investor in BLOCKNET and have a vested interest in the success and usage of BLOCKNET. We are most excited about the potential of BLOCKDX and are eager to increase liquidity and trade volume on the major cryptocurrency tokens on the BLOCKDX platform.

We began in April 2019 to add liquidity to BLOCK markets on Bittrex and Digifinex to total $446,442 USD equivalent of trading volume over 3,889 trades. In January 2020 our total trade volume was $21,497 USD equivalent .

To provide robotic API 24/7 market making services with human supervision and up to $100,000 of our own capital consisting of BLOCKNET, BTC, LTC, DASH, DGB and USDT. Our goal is to increase liquidity and trading volume of BLOCKNET across both Centralized Exchanges and BLOCKDX totalling 9 order books:

Continue Market Making on:

  1. Bittrex BTC-BLOCK ( 2)
  2. Digifinex BLOCK/USDT (
  3. Digifinex BLOCK/BTC (
  4. BlockDX LTC/BLOCK
  5. BlockDX BLOCK/BTC
  6. BlockDX LTC/BTC
  8. BlockDX DASH/LTC
  9. BlockDX DGB/BLOCK

Capital Requirements :
ARBIT will devote a minimum of $20,000 of capital to keep orders up 24/7 across all order books above. The BLOCK cost we are asking for above would cover both human resources to monitor market making as well as any losses incurred to maintain reasonable spreads of 5% or less.

Deliverable :
ARBIT will provide a monthly report which will consist of:

  1. Trade volume by trading pair (base and quote currency)
  2. Trade counts by trading pair
  3. Total trade counts by exchange (currently: blockdx, bittrex, digifinex)
  4. Error counts on BlockDX

BLOCKNET address for deposit :

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Proposal Name: atc-1339200-infra Owner: atc

Cost: 400 BLOCK

Proposal: Infra

Previous Work: Blocknet Forum, BlockDX auto config, S3, Gitian build system, seed nodes — Atc-infra-sb1296000


  • Covers costs for all related infra: blockdx, gitian, forum, seed nodes etc

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Proposal Name: Blockdx-dev-1339200 Owner: Hanniabu

Cost: 2500 BLOCK

Proposal: Block DX Development

Block DX requires continued javascript development, maintenance, and bug fixing. This work is being completed by a js developer that has been working with the team on Block DX since January 2018.


  • Warning message for unverified markets
  • Order form revisions
  • Review work on litewallet auto setup
  • Additional misc bug fixes such as looking into the inconsistent BTC n/a price in Active Orders
  • Start looking into supporting partial orders
  • If the new config manifest file spec is completed then review what changes will be needed to support it, if any

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Proposal Name: buildserver-cost-mar Owner: michael

Cost: 400 BLOCK

Proposal: Build Server

This build and test server is responsible for auto-generating all of the dev builds for Linux, Mac, Windows and is important for QA testing as well as for validating Blocknet’s code on github. It also allows the community to beta test our upcoming releases.

Builds can be reviewed here: (new wallet, Blocknet Comet v4)

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Proposal Name: corgi-march Owner: Crypto Corgi

Cost: 590 BLOCK

Proposal: Crypto Corgi

Overview : Continue managing and growing the Block DX and XRouter twitter accounts. This includes drafting engaging tweets, creating images/content, replying the tweets, staying up to date on crypto twitter, etc.

Previous Work :

We have now surpassed 3,000 followers on the Block DX twitter!

Final Block DX stats for January:

Block DX stats for February (to date, 17th):

Final XRouter stats for January:

XRouter stats for February (to date, 17th):

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Proposal Name: fazer-dxmbot-004 Owner: fazer

Cost: 750 BLOCK (fazer) for previous and this month

Proposal: dxbot

Previous Work:

As we all know superblock budget is not enough so i considered => costs lowering => longer term development over unknown months.
All next followed features list will be prioritized on the fly by research and development of dxmakerbot.
Updates of this “rolling up” proposal are market as (


  • code needs more research & development & features & testing & readme & examples & info-graphics
  • there will be probably two dxmakerbots and to stay with compatibility, than code can be merged into official blocknet git repository
    — (2019.12) updated readme for both versions v1 as and v2 as merged at
  • add save and restore orders from file
  • save orders to db before exit, dxmakerbot session will be able to cancel only session specified orders on reconfig/exit/crash
  • add more dxmakerbot events(exit bot events, reset order events, reopen order events)
    — add trading boundaries, relative by % dxmakerbot session
    — (2020.02) added to alfa
    — add trading boundaries, by static value
    — (2020.02) added to alfa
    — add exit bot at events and cancel/notcancel orders on exit…
    — (2020.02) added to alfa as part of config of trading boundaries exit/noexit, cancel/notcancel orders
    — add — reopenafterfinishdelay, reopen finished orders after delay of last filled order
    — (2020.01 003) added to alfa
    — add — reopenafterfinishnum reopen finished orders after specific number of orders finished
    — (2020.01 003) added to alfa
  • update configuration verification
    — (2020.01) added add more validations and help messages
  • analyze update_balances_unspent() and update_balances_left() possibility
  • update dxmakerbot and XBridge API to handle UTXOs:
    — update XBridge API to work with UTXOs than update dxmakerbot to be more effective to uses whole UTXO with coop of “–sellstart” and “–sellend”
    — We are not sure about if exactly this API calls need, or something like that API calls, this needs more discussion in before proposal:
    First needed XBridge API update is, to dxMakeOrder() be able to create order only from funds specified by dxMakeOrder(…makeraddress…) or THE BEST solution to use funds only from specified UTXO txid like this API call: dxMakeOrder(…makeraddress… txidlist[‘txid1’,‘txid2’]). For this case also new XBridge API call is needed to get ‘listunspent’ from specified coin. This call can be added for example as dxGetTokenBalancesUnspentList(maker, makeraddress) or only maker parameter. Because if dxmakerbot wanna use specific UTXO from XXX-COIN wallet to create order it needs to know UTXOs first. By this API can dxmakerbot be updated to be more specific and also effective by using always whole UTXO values. Also there are more reasons, that you can read in draft of planned proposal below.
    As long as you want to run multiple makerbots with same maker and you wanna save hardware resource by running only one full-wallet from pair, coin addresses needs to be specified separated by makerbot-instance.
  • add configuration argument — strategy {{},{}}
    — dxmakerbot argument “–strategy” is json-style formated argument specifying sequence of orders.
    — This configuration way strategy can be specified like this:

–strategy {{pump and dump orders place first}, { than push some normal orders}, {at the end strategy with some small orders}}

“selltype”: <float number between -1 and 1. -1 means maximum exponential to 0 means normal to 1 means maxium logarithmic>
“slidetype”: <float number between -1 and 1. -1 means maximum exponential to 0 means normal to 1 means maxium logarithmic>
“reopenfinished”: <True/False, reopen finished orders or must wait for any reset event>
“slide_dyn_enable”: <True/False, include dynamic slide or not, very useful when not applied on pump orders>
example of config arg — strategy{{“name”:‘normal’, “sellstart”:3, “sellend”:5, “selltype”:-0.5, “slidestart”:1.02, “slideend”:1.25, “slidetype”:0.6, “maxopen”:10, “reopenfinished”:True, “slide_dyn_enable”:True}, {“name”:‘pump’, “sellstart”:20, “sellend”:50, “selltype”:-0.2, “slidestart”:1.3, “slideend”:10, “slidetype”:0, “maxopen”:10, “reopenfinished”:False, “slide_dyn_enable”:False}}

  • add configuration file per dxmakerbot instance by — cfg argument
    — Configuration file per bot is more useful
    — configuration files can have private permissions vs. running process arguments are by OS public
    — example of config file representing strategy argument

[[push some normal orders]]
sellstart = 10 # first order in sequence with amount
sellend = 1 # last order in sequence with amount
sellstartlimit = 10 # first made order in sequence can accept this amount
sellendlimit = 1 # last made order in sequence can accept this amount
selltype = 0 # orders amounts are evenly rising

slidestart = 1.10 # first order placed at 1.1 times more than actual price means +10%
slideend”: 1.03 # last order placed at 1.03 times more than actual price means +3%
slidetype”: 0 # orders prices are evenly rising

maxopen = 10 # including borders and range there will be placed this number of orders. <sell-start, sell-end> <slide-start, slide-end>

reopenfinished = false # <True/False, reopen finished orders or must wait for any reset event>
slide_dyn_enable= false # <True/False, include dynamic slide or not, very useful when not applied on pump orders>
[[push some big orders]]

[[push some pump orders]]

by having parallel staggered orders sequences, it will fix discord discussed “PROBLEM (2)” and also increases parallel market liquidity
PROBLEM (2) Problem related to partial order filing. For example someone have 100 BLOCK for sale, and he creates orders at 33+33+33 or 25 25 50 or he do not think about and creates one order at 100. Problem is that most of time here are thousands of people who are interested in to take that order but are not able to accept it because individuals have funds to buy only 10 10 10 20 20 20 and nobody of them can accept one whole order

  • save and restore orders from file
    — In case of bot quit/crash to be able to restore
  • PUMP/DUMP auto management
  • autodetect and precompute possible next pump
  • dxtakerbot/dxmakerbot automatically selling all coins of wallet which is detected as going to dump…
  • feature is to automatically compute top price of next pump and cover it.
  • feature to opposite dxbot side to detect pump/dump to disable dxbot to not make a loss.
  • add log exp normal staggered mods
    — add logarithmic/exponential/normal staggered size of orders
    — add logarithmic/exponential/normal staggered price of orders
  • educational examples & info-graphics & video tutorials how to use dxmakerbot

Possible Next Work Expectations:
— Purpose of this proposal is to continue with dxmakerbot development and finish all above features

I believe that i gives you many reasons to vote up this proposal to continue dxmakerbot development and all stuff around.
Thanks for your time & MTFBWY
Hopefully see you later on upcoming dxmakerbot development.

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Proposal Name: infinity7592_1339200 Owner: Infinity7592

Cost: 385 BLOCK

Proposal: Ledger

  • Got the new protocol (WebHID) to work, at least to some extent…

So I can communicate with the ledger to pull public keys (and therefore addresses), create signatures, …

But still issues remain to be fixed;

  • Little or no documentation on how this protocol works.

Useful reminders:

  • This new communication protocol is still experimental. So I advise not to release anything until this thing is more mature.
  • The protocol will be available only for Chrome, because it is not a Web standard.

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Proposal Name(s): marketing-topup-1 / marketing-topup-2 / development-topup-1 / development-topup-2 Owner: Community Funds

Cost: 6800 (1700 each) BLOCK

Proposal: Marketing and Development Top U pFunds


The purpose of these proposals is to top-up the Marketing and Development community funds. The payment addresses in the proposals are the official community funds addresses for the Development Fund BXziudHsEee8vDTgvXXNLCXwKouSssLMQ3 and Marketing Fund BgSDpy7F7PuBZpG4PQfryX9m94NNcmjWAX. The proposals are split up into 1700 BLOCK pieces so that the community can choose how much to mint: all, some, or none. The goal is to keep these funds topped up as often as possible so that we can save up for future Development and Marketing expenses.

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Proposal Name: michael-dev-mar Owner: michael

Cost: 9000 BLOCK

Proposal: Core Development

February recap
Released Blocknet Comet (v4.0) on February 10th! Since then we have release two additional hotfix builds (4.0.1 and 4.0.2). I have worked very hard on getting everything ready for this big release. Immediately after the release I have been working primarily on bug fixes reported by the community and QA team. I added “getstakingstatus” rpc call for those of you that want to track the built in staker. Upcoming fixes include: service node registration and ping fixes, staking fixes (new v6 staking protocol being developed), and crash fixes. I’ve also been working on the Enterprise XRouter Proxy that we’re testing internally (currently v0.5.2).

Review progress in these branches:

Test builds for the Blocknet 4.0 release can be obtained here:

March Development Overview
The goal for March is to catch up on the XRouter library tasks. These XRouter libraries will allow developers to query the network without any wallets installed locally. I’m working on the C++ library first, followed by the goland library targeting the Ethereum dev community. The Enterprise XRouter Proxy will continue to be developed (This will support high traffic service node operators). I am planning on completing the service node screen in the GUI, adding the ability to unlock the wallet from the top menu, and other bug fixes and improvements. Some of you reported issues with raspberry pi devices, we’re going to take a look at how we can optimize the initial load of the Blocknet v4 client to consume fewer resources.

Current tasks

  • v4.0 bug fixes (service nodes and staking)
  • XRouter C++ library
  • Enterprise XRouter Proxy
  • Service node operator screen
  • Unlock from menu
  • Improved rasp pi support
  • Bug fixes and optimizations

Other tasks

  • Maintenance and bug fixes on Blocknet products (XBridge, XRouter, XCloud, Block DX)

Upcoming XRouter tasks:

  • XRouter golang library
  • Blocknet Name Service (XRouter DNS)

— — — —

Proposal Name: Operations-team-1339200 Owners: hanniabu, 86b, aderks, fattox

Cost: 12540 BLOCK

Proposal: Operations

We (hanniabu, 86b, aderks, fattox) have decided to submit our proposals as a single group considering how much we rely on each other due to how closely we work together.

Previous Work:
We began contributing to Blocknet in 2017 and are the silent contributors that keep the project running smoothly by working on a range of items from administrative tasks, to documentation, to support and QA. Below is a summary list of items we have worked on in the past Superblock period.

Admin, project forecasting, & strategy:

  • Core team strategic discussions
  • Review/finalize the newsletter
  • Submitted newsletter and release emails
  • Maintain Blocknet email
  • Organize and send payments for articles
  • Forward new staking ROI information to Nik for BridgeBot adjustments
  • CFA voting and spending sheet updates
  • Review release posts and articles
  • Publish Blockfolio post for new release
  • Sharing and analyzing competitor research
  • Block DX task management
  • Release announcments

Documentation & site maintenance:


  • Partake in XBridge partial order spec discussions
  • Partake in ETH adapter discussions
  • Migrated Discord API bot to Blocknet 4.0
  • Updated Discord API bot infield boxes to not display inline
  • XCloud API Documentation Portal (DM for more details)
  • Built new Docker image intended for use as a coin testing template
  • EOS Docker image updates


  • All things v4.0 support
  • Aiding setup and fielding questions for DIVI OTC trades and setup
  • Investigating, solving, and providing feedback to various trading issues
  • ETH SPV setup and troubleshooting
  • Wallet corruption troubleshooting and resolution
  • Adjust pywallet to cater to our address prefixes
  • New reward structure explaining and discussions
  • Docker-related support

Maintenance and QA:

  • Blocknet v4 support and sanity checks
  • Ongoing staking QA regarding orphans and snode reregistration
  • XRouter proxy ETH fixes
  • Exhaustive proposal submission and voting testing and QA
  • Addressing and conducting Parity ETH database migration timetables
  • Startup xbridge.conf generation testing
  • Startup blocknet.conf generation testing
  • Migration v3 wallet.dat copy to v4 testing
  • XRouter error reporting related to snode connectivity and fielding requests
  • Main release testing and QA (Comet v4.0 and BLOCK DX v1.6.0)
  • Block spacing analysis, troubleshooting, QA, and testing relative builds
  • HD wallet assessment + documenting
  • Overhauling testnet servers
  • Investigate and document EOS .deb database discrepancies against building from source
  • Identify dxCancelOrder issues and test fixes
  • Pinpoint Parity ETH database corruption issues, sync from backup
  • getstakingstatus & snode ping on non-exchange mode testing
  • nextsuperblock testing and QA
  • Review and test gettradingdata & dxGetTradingData changes
  • Review XR proxy updates
  • Investigate local issue on port exhaustion (currently monitoring fix)
  • Resetup ETH on XR after database migration and upgrade
  • backupwallet QA
  • Staking auto revote testing
  • Staking auto register testing
  • Block DX QA

Coin Integration and Testing:

  • Configuration, testing, and coin updates
  • Genesis tests on prospective coin additions plus error feedback
  • Communicating with necessary projects regarding coin changes and repo updates
  • Begin staging error chains on server

The following list are main items we plan to be working on in the following Superblock period. Keep in mind that some of these may not be completed this upcoming Superblock period, may be pushed back due to a change in priority, or may be ongoing long term items.

  • Continue the ongoing tasks mentioned in the “Admin, project forecasting, & strategy” above
  • Continue the ongoing tasks mentioned in the “Documentation & site maintenance” above
  • Complete setup for XR Proxy for ETH nodes to continue discussions with interested parties
  • Setup snode groups behind a domain
  • Continued XBridge, XRouter, and XCloud testing and QA
  • Continued Block DX QA
  • Continued wallet release QA
  • Complete Block DX localization support
  • Organize discussions on roadmap refinement
  • Continue to work on the new content
  • Testing environments — Installation/config/maintenance/expansion of all relevant systems.
  • Auto configuration (wizard) updates testing and QA.
  • Other bug reporting, error tracking, and logging + any other relevant QA tasks with UAT/devs.
  • Partake in any BizDev/partnership discussions with potential partners.
  • Integration strategy — Including future platform investigation/testing within UAT (ETH, EOS and beyond).
  • Product analysis — Related to the areas both the above (external products) and below (our products). Discussions within the team on technical considerations.
  • Assisting in any efforts we make towards pushing awareness of Blocknet throughout the communities of our supported projects and partners, as well as towards fresh eyes, by working with new partners and influencers where advantageous. Co-marketing efforts may be taken up when deemed to be beneficial.
  • Collaborating on content creation for Blocknet’s Social Media, to aid in driving traffic to our site and community channels.
  • Collaborating on other developmental/marketing strategies and initiatives, with both the Strategy group and the team as a whole.
  • Collaborating on the creation and maintenance of documentation: EG Tutorials, resources, informative articles and other content, for both our community and a wider audience.
  • Collaboration and communication with current partners, delegates and other teams we work with.
  • Dealing with any necessary discussions and negotiations undertaken with any other potential partners and third-parties who would like to work with us. EG: Exchanges, dev teams and any other interested parties.
  • Communicating closely with content creators to arrange the creation of works (videos, podcasts, articles), focused on promoting Blocknet to the masses.
  • Coin Announcements lifecycle: from initial integration/QA to community/partner outreach and coordination of announcements/support. Creating ANN media.
  • Helping to support and promote the use of Block DX to communities that are integrated in to our protocol, both old and new. Using raffles, airdrops, tips (etc) as a way to enable people to try the DX using these small portions of BLOCK as trade-fees.
  • Support — Both within the community and also helping out partners who are interested in testing our products.
    Any questions or concerns, feel free to ping me at any time!

The amount requested for this Superblock is a retainer for hanniabu, 86b, aderks, and fattox to continue contributing to this project.

— — — —

Proposal Name: Ops-Infra-1339200 Owner: Operations Team

Cost: 720 BLOCK

Proposal: Ops Infra

Some upgrades are required on our QA systems, due to the ever increasing amount of chaindata we need to run/store/backup.

This proposal is to cover the expense of a 4TB SSD (RAID expansion) and an 8TB SSD (ETH archival node). These periodic, incremental upgrades enable us to continue working in an efficient manner, and additionally allow us to provide further foundational chain support to the Blocknet network.

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Proposal Name: proj-costs-1339200 Owner: 86b

Cost: 330 BLOCK

Proposal: Project Costs


This proposal is to cover our AWS, cloud services, and MailChimp project costs for this Superblock period. Services include:

  • S3 Data Transfer
  • S3 Storage
  • EC2 costs
  • Various AWS fees and utilities
  • VPS addnode support + testing servers
  • E-mail subscription services

— — — —

Proposal Name: SocialPhilip_MAR20 Owner: Philip

Cost: 900 BLOCK

Proposal: Copywriter, Social media Admin

Previous, Recent and forthcoming tasks:

A selection of previous articles and press releases I have written:

It’s time to stop learning lessons the hard way: Leave centralized exchange hacks behind and enter a world of security and peace of mind with Block DX

XRouter — The Biggest Advancement Since Ethereum

Blocknet makes Sia Storage available on the Internet of Blockchains


The Evolution of the Decentralized Exchange: A Brief History

Exchange Hackings, Security and Freedom: Why Would Traditional Exchanges Embrace a Decentralized Exchange?


Introducing XRouter. Developers Can Now Mix And Match Any Blockchain Via The World’s First Blockchain Router

Block DX: Saving time, maintaining privacy


Overview :

  • Maintain and manage the social media profile of Blocknet on our main website blog pages, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, BTCTalk, Youtube, Medium and other platforms.
  • Ensure communications from the developers and marketing team can be transmitted in a clear and timely manner to the community.
  • Respond to the community.
  • Compile and write regular newsletter and proposal summary.
  • Contribute to various marketing materials and initiatives.
  • Write press releases and news updates.
  • Write and create articles for specific initiatives.
  • Manage, source, correspond and coordinate payments to news and media outlets.
  • Maintain various internal spreadsheets.
  • Participate in strategy discussions as part of the strategy group.

Cost Assessment:

A fixed amount of 900 BLOCK from the Superblock (Plus 10 BLOCK fee) @ $2.10 per BLOCK. I work between 1 hour and 5 hours on BLOCK items every day. The amount requested is a low rounded average of 2.5 hours per day @ $25.00 per hour. For comparison I have been working for approx. $8.80 per hour since December.

— — — —

We have created a separate proposal notification email alert reminder that snode owners can sign up for here so they do not forget to vote. (This email is separate to the Word on the BLOCK newsletter email).


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The Blocknet Protocol
The Blocknet Protocol

Written by The Blocknet Protocol

Blocknet is a 2nd layer blockchain interoperability protocol that enables communication, interaction & exchange between different blockchains.

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