Please vote for the latest Community Superblock!

The Blocknet Protocol
13 min readAug 30, 2018


Hello Snode owners! It’s time to vote for the latest proposals!

There is a great responsibility for Service Node (Snode) owners to vote either “yes,” or “no,” on the proposals. It cannot be emphasised enough how much the community as well as the Blocknet team relies on Snodes to vote on project proposals to ensure continued funding for development of the Blocknet.

  • The proposals for superblock 561600 can be viewed below or on the forum here. Voting will close at Block 558720, but your node must remain active until block 561600 for your vote to count. Please note, proposals are being submitted individually so please make sure you scroll down and take your time to look over each proposal.

The latest Superblock details are below in alphabetical order:

Superblock 561600

Proposal: Art Director 808 / Bob (Part-time position as Art Director)

Role description and responsibilities: @808 / Bob as Art Director, will take lead on overseeing and creating Blocknet visuals and design. In particular, Bob will work closely with other team members to find the best solutions for Blocknet’s visuals needs. This entails taking responsibility of the overall visual appearance of Blocknet and how it communicates visually, stimulates moods, contrasts features, and psychologically appeals to a target audience. Bob is given a task and figures out the visual elements, what artistic style to use, and when to use motion, stills or other means of expression.

Past contribution: I started working for the Blocknet in December 2017 by creating the Blocknet Introduction video. This led to further collaboration as a vendor to the project.The visuals and designs developed for the introduction movie and the designs from VSA are the foundation of what has been the visual style of the Blocknet brand today. I have been responsible for the creation of all visuals for Blocknet. Besides producing media, I’ve been part of Blocknet brand leads, consisting of myself, Shane, PhilipMarshall, Cryptoved and Fattox.

Goals for Q3:

Primary task for September will be to provide the social media teams a media/template library for them to create content. Templates and the media library are going to allow the social media teams to put together quick designs. It helps maintain the level of quality required and reduces cost and time to produce content. This library will consist of templates for:

  • Announcements
  • Promotional visuals
  • Quotes
  • Market News
  • Feature lists
  • Comparison charts
  • Events
  • Block DX facts
  • Block DX application submitted
  • Block DX listings

Cost Assessment: Total 590 BLOCK (including 10 BLOCK submission fee)

(20 hours per week / $6.90 BLOCK = $4k/mo)
If this proposal passes but is bumped from the Superblock due to there not being enough room, this will be paid out from the Marketing Fund.

How to Vote

  • Open wallet and go to Tools > Debug Console. The debug console will open in a new window.
  • To vote for Proposal: Art Director 808 / Bob, type the following command:
mnbudget vote 482f04a6959092334b0006aabd92cdd5eeec58e481dd3cd156b6676de8249193 yes/no
  • If voting with multiple node, you can use “mnbudget vote-many….”
  • If voting from the terminal, type in the following:
blocknetdx-cli mnbudget vote 482f04a6959092334b0006aabd92cdd5eeec58e481dd3cd156b6676de8249193 yes/no

— — — —

Proposal: atc-sb-561600

Role description and responsibilities:

  • XRouter development (juan) $9k USD for the month
  • XR improvements/debugging/support
  • Finish XR SPV
  • implement XR Fee payments

Cost Assessment: Total 1010 Block (including 10 block submission fee)

How to Vote

  • Open wallet and go to Tools > Debug Console. The debug console will open in a new window.
  • To vote for Proposal: atc-sb-561600, type the following command:
mnbudget vote c028db6adb2de1d18595a9fddc674c3a7b75d8ccad000e5f6f4e5f6a3b82e5f6 yes/no
  • If voting with multiple nodes, you can use “mnbudget vote-many….”
  • If voting from the terminal, type in the following:
blocknetdx-cli mnbudget vote c028db6adb2de1d18595a9fddc674c3a7b75d8ccad000e5f6f4e5f6a3b82e5f6 yes/no

— — — —

Proposal: hanniabu-561600

Role description and responsibilities: As a core contributor of Blocknet, I take part in many daily tasks that help keep the project running smoothly, as well as larger tasks that move Blocknet forward. Putting in an average 60 hours a week, I partake in projects that build Blocknet's foundation and assist in other projects in order to help meet objectives. This proposal is for compensation to allow me to continue contributing to Blocknet.

Background: I have a technical background with a degree in mechanical engineering, prior development experience, and have spent a few years a a few early stage startups (pre and post seed round). This experience helps in various aspects of the project including working in a fast-paced environment, wearing multiple 'hats', pivoting priorities and tasks, understanding the project technicals and vision, communicating the different components, conveying concepts into diagrams and text, and budgeting and financials.

Attention to detail is another useful trait. When reviewing interface UI and user experience, performing QA, writing specifications and documents, and communicating concepts, this attention to detail is important as it's typically the intricacies that make a difference.

Past Contributions: I began contributing in August 2017 when I saw there were areas the project could use help in. The first thing I worked on was an informational website ( since informational resources we lacking. This led to submitting my first Superblock proposal that next month for further contribution.

Since then I have been responsible for multiple projects and tasks, as well have assisted in others. Some of these items are as follows:

  • API documentation:
  • Research on automated blockchain testing
  • New configurations file format:
  • Compose documentation
  • Compose content
  • Compose specifications
  • Wallet QA
  • Block DX QA
  • Participate in interviews
  • Roadmap discussion
  • Manage and organize files and documents
  • Review announcements and publications
  • Convention prep, attending convention, and followups
  • Newsletter content, review, and submission
  • Respond to questions from the community
  • Respond to emails
  • Fill out applications and forms

Agenda: In addition to daily tasks, the following list are main items I plan to be working on. Keep in mind that some of these may not be completed this month or may be pushed back due to a change in priority.

  • Website content
  • Litepaper
  • Wallet tutorial videos
  • Ongoing research on compatibility testing automation
  • Tools for compatibility testing

As a retainer to continue contributing to this project, the following amount is requested for this Superblock:

Cost Assessment: Total 650 BLOCK

(@~$6.50 BLOCK = $4.2k/mo = $50k/yr) If this proposal passes but is bumped from the Superblock due to there not being enough room, this will be paid out from the community funds.

How to Vote

  • Open wallet and go to Tools > Debug Console. The debug console will open in a new window.
  • To vote for Proposal: Hanniabu-561600, type the following command:
mnbudget vote ff3b70b45e611965e8b75fffe37ff5d8b694332d042f0d74a3a52390d289d26f yes/no
  • If voting with multiple node, you can use “mnbudget vote-many….”
  • If voting from the terminal, type in the following:
blocknetdx-cli mnbudget vote ff3b70b45e611965e8b75fffe37ff5d8b694332d042f0d74a3a52390d289d26f yes/no

— — — —

Proposal: marketing-cryptoved

Role description and responsibilities:

  • Social Media Content Curation (contribute posts on Twitter, Facebook, Facebook Group, Instagram and other social media)
  • Collaboration & Editing of Current and Upcoming Articles
  • Collaborating on Current & Upcoming Marketing Initiatives with the Marketing Team (strategies, advertisements, content, etc.)
  • Brand Lead (Collaborate, oversee, coordinate & train social media teams; oversee Blocknet brand messaging along with other Brand Leads)

Cost Assessment: Total: 260 BLOCK (250 + 10 BLOCK proposal fee)

(calculated at 25 hours/week, $6.88 current 30-day M.A. Note: I plan to hard-cap the amount at 250 BLOCK while we are currently at this low of a BLOCK moving average, as our priority should be funding ongoing development.) If this proposal passes but is bumped from the Superblock due to there not being enough room, this will be paid out from the Marketing Fund.

How to Vote

  • Open wallet and go to Tools > Debug Console. The debug console will open in a new window.
  • To vote for Proposal: marketing-cryptoved, type the following command:
mnbudget vote bdef3210bb9da34efad33e1f1d63c8cf5d26add854ce6f6becce0101e5744de1 yes/no
  • If voting with multiple node, you can use “mnbudget vote-many….”
  • If voting from the terminal, type in the following:
blocknetdx-cli mnbudget vote bdef3210bb9da34efad33e1f1d63c8cf5d26add854ce6f6becce0101e5744de1 yes/no

— — — —

Proposal: MarketingLead-shane

Role description and responsibilities:

Role overview

  • Lead team efforts in executing marketing strategies
  • Manage design, copywrite, and web development vendors
  • Uphold Brand Guidelines and uniform messaging
  • Build relationships with every project Blocknet supports
  • Handle daily marketing & administrative responsibilities
  • Oversee and assist community based marketing initiatives
  • Take on creative tasks that include writing, design, and media production

September Goals

  • Create Blocknet Videos
  • Expand article workflow to enable greater throughput
  • Onboard community members for website translations
  • Launch new “Press Info” webpage
  • Continue web development of Coin Portals and community tools
  • Lay groundwork for Q4 Marketing Plan

Cost Assessment: Total: 1010 BLOCK from Superblock (BLOCK @ $6.00)

If this proposal passes but is bumped from the Superblock due to there not being enough room, this will be paid out from the Marketing Fund.

How to Vote

  • Open wallet and go to Tools > Debug Console. The debug console will open in a new window.
  • To vote for Proposal: MarketingLead-shane, type the following command:
mnbudget vote 78b8c6e47b583c99bfc451a78e8b220ee1d338d685fb2d2debfc4d68f1ef55fe yes/no
  • If voting with multiple node, you can use “mnbudget vote-many….”
  • If voting from the terminal, type in the following:
blocknetdx-cli mnbudget vote 78b8c6e47b583c99bfc451a78e8b220ee1d338d685fb2d2debfc4d68f1ef55fe yes/no

— — — —

Proposal: michael-dev-sb561600

Role description and responsibilities:

September Goals / asks for September:

  • Trade History UI
    The trade history API is complete and we’ll be integrating this into the Block DX electron app in September. You’ll be able to see the long awaited chart for orders that were conducted on the DX. I am leading the development on this feature.
  • DX BTC Pricing
    Block DX will have the ability to display prices in terms of BTC similar to the experience seen in centralized exchanges. I am architecting this and leading the development.
  • XRouter
    I will be responsible for XWallets integration in addition to code reviewing XRouter dev commits.
  • XBridge
    I am code reviewing all XBridge related features and bug fixes.
  • Wallet Redesign
    I am leading the development effort for these remaining Wallet Redesign items:
    - Transaction History
    - Address screens
    - Settings screen
    - Tools Debug Console
    - Tools Peers List
    - Tools BIP38
    - Tools Wallet Repair
    - General Info Popups
    - Coin control address integration
    - Create Proposal integration
  • Block DX Auto-updater
    I am leading the development of the auto-updater in that we hope to launch in September. This requires code signing, so it may not make it in, but it’s something we’re working on. This allows Block DX users to update to newer versions without manually downloading files from Github.
  • Automated Build System
    I have created a Gitlab automated build system for both Block DX and the Blocknet wallet that allows our QA team to more efficiently test the development teams’ work. This is a public system, and anyone in the community can also download and help test these builds. Please reach out to hanniabu for more information.
  • Bug fixes
    I will continue doing bug fixes and integration work in support of the August/September roadmap.

Cost Assessment: Total: 2100 BLOCK

The payment will be made out of the community funds if the proposal passes but is bumped.

How to Vote

  • Open wallet and go to Tools > Debug Console. The debug console will open in a new window.
  • To vote for Proposal: michael-dev-sb561600, type the following command:
mnbudget vote d56d9dbe69e82c46d99bb587f741df71b6674e532642f289619fde151e10d6f2 yes/no
  • If voting with multiple node, you can use “mnbudget vote-many….”
  • If voting from the terminal, type in the following:
blocknetdx-cli mnbudget vote d56d9dbe69e82c46d99bb587f741df71b6674e532642f289619fde151e10d6f2 yes/no

— — — —

Proposal: ProcessGovernance

Dungor with contribution from Fattox and other team members. (Diagrams are best viewed in the file linked to from within the document. This file also include draft models of other governance related work.)

This Proposal aims to introduce a more structured approach to the governance of Blocknet. Version 1 includes:

  • A document outlining the purpose a new governance structure.
  • Process diagrams for the Proposal and Voting process.
  • Process diagram for how this governance will be maintained by future SuperBlock votes
  • A simplified Role Tier
  • A lot of empty headlines that others can create proposals to fill, and that I will continue to work on.

My initial intent was to submit a complete governance model for Blocknet, but the need is now so apparent that others has started to work on the same, so better submit this now to avoid double work.
If this proposal is accepted by vote the team is expected to host the document on GitHub. It will be a version 1.1 that will be added to GitHub, allowing for small corrections before it’s set in stone.

Cost Assessment: Total 10 BLOCK to cover the fees of submitting the proposal.

How to Vote

  • Open wallet and go to Tools > Debug Console. The debug console will open in a new window.
  • To vote for Proposal: ProcessGovernance, type the following command:
mnbudget vote 5e1b1f996cb1eec7e25c5c7760ae76ee9c34f4add66fa41ef842e7e47d4be3da yes/no
  • If voting with multiple node, you can use “mnbudget vote-many….”
  • If voting from the terminal, type in the following:
blocknetdx-cli mnbudget vote 5e1b1f996cb1eec7e25c5c7760ae76ee9c34f4add66fa41ef842e7e47d4be3da yes/no

— — — —

Proposal: Social Coordinator (Philip Marshall)

Role description and responsibilities:

  • Maintain the social media profile of Blocknet on Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, BTCTalk, Youtube, Medium, Steemit and other platforms.
  • As a brand co-lead, manage and train the social media team.
  • Ensure communications from the developers and marketing team can be transmitted in a clear and timely manner to the community.
  • Respond to the community.
  • Compile and write regular newsletter, write and contribute to articles on all platforms and continue to contribute to various marketing materials and initiatives.
  • Manage, source, correspond and coordinate payments to news and media outlets.

Cost Assessment: Total: 125 BLOCK (115 BLOCK plus 10 BLOCK fee)

(1 BLOCK per hour / 4 hours per day.)
If this proposal passes but is bumped from the Superblock due to there not being enough room, this will be paid out from the Marketing Fund.

How to Vote

  • Open wallet and go to Tools > Debug Console. The debug console will open in a new window.
  • To vote for Proposal: Social Coordinator, type the following command:
mnbudget vote 8338b00dd6f6b8207f24cbd3daf9b5b8d5d0c224804d813358771450acfe8e95 yes/no
  • If voting with multiple node, you can use “mnbudget vote-many….”
  • If voting from the terminal, type in the following:
blocknetdx-cli mnbudget vote 8338b00dd6f6b8207f24cbd3daf9b5b8d5d0c224804d813358771450acfe8e95 yes/no

— — — —

Proposal: StrategyGroup (Dungor)

Mandate the strategy group. Add remove users by Superblock vote.

  • Introduce the roles ‘Community strategic advisor’ & ‘Strategy group member’.
  • Populate the group with current memberlist.

Role description and responsibilities: I have been an advisor to Blocknet before it was born in the XC-Think-Tank group. I apply a business mindset to Blocknet and I guide both the community and the elected group of contributors.
I have a private channel in Discord called strategy. This channel allows us to discuss things without it being public. Sometimes it’s internal arguments, sometimes it’s leads for potential partnerships, sometimes a member would like input to their work. Most of the time it’s me posting topics and material in attempt to influence the overall direction of the project.
Often discussions that are born in the strategy channel moves to the public channel. It’s a common mindset that discussions should be kept as public as possible in the name of decentralization.

Current roles:
-Community strategic advisor:
- Members of title:
- Dungor — Business mindset
- N/A — Technology trend mindset
- N/A — Exchange/Broker mindset
- N/A — Academic research mindset
- Description:
- There can be several strategic advisors. Historically this has been an unpaid position but in the future if we bring in scholars or IT-industry CxO’s as advisors we could pay them. Primarily guards around the strategic principles of Blocknet. Approaches Blocknet from a specified angle. In a conflict of interest a strategic advisor should advice for the benefit of service nodes above any other stakeholder.

-Strategic group member:
- Members of title:
- Fattox
- Shane
- 86B
- 808
- ATCSecure
- Hanniabu
- Michael
- Philip Marshall
- Synechist
- Description:
- Ideally all members that are official members through receiving SuperBlock payment should automatically be made a member of the strategy group. This membership should follow whether they are being paid or not. It should be possible to get voted in by SuperBlock proposal. Such membership will last until voted out. While membership follows paid positions the membership role of this group is in itself unpaid.

Vote outcome
If yes, the group continues, roles will be in effect until voted down.
If no, the group is dismantled and Dungor’s role as community strategic advisor stripped.

Cost Assessment: Total 10 BLOCK to cover the fees of submitting the proposal.

How to Vote

  • Open wallet and go to Tools > Debug Console. The debug console will open in a new window.
  • To vote for Proposal: StrategyGroup, type the following command:
mnbudget vote 0d56e5b9b9fa4c53d25a038860d99bcab2a5166aff1bf25d84a5a70216ab13d6 yes/no
  • If voting with multiple node, you can use “mnbudget vote-many….”
  • If voting from the terminal, type in the following:
blocknetdx-cli mnbudget vote 0d56e5b9b9fa4c53d25a038860d99bcab2a5166aff1bf25d84a5a70216ab13d6 yes/no

— — — —

Proposal: UAT-QA-Team-561600

Team consists of 86b, aderks, and Fattox

Role description and responsibilities:

  • Support services
  • Integration strategy
  • Product analysis
  • Bug reporting, error tracking, and logging
  • Collaboration with other projects and teams
  • New coin integration, confirming, and corresponding QA
  • Genesis testing
  • Exploit checks
  • Brand lead assistance with marketing and SMT initiatives
  • Communicating with partners and project delegates
  • XRouter testing and QA
  • Block DX UI QA
  • Wallet release QA
  • Auto configuration testing and QA

Cost Assessment: Total: 760 BLOCK

How to Vote

  • Open wallet and go to Tools > Debug Console. The debug console will open in a new window.
  • To vote for Proposal: UAT-QA-Team-561600, type the following command:
mnbudget vote a59708ee84b59f4c7d33d5a2959f7c3e20e9f856355c89c2d4a581d8c5a675a0 yes/no
  • If voting with multiple node, you can use “mnbudget vote-many….”
  • If voting from the terminal, type in the following:
blocknetdx-cli mnbudget vote a59708ee84b59f4c7d33d5a2959f7c3e20e9f856355c89c2d4a581d8c5a675a0 yes/no

— — — —

For more detailed instructions see:

In addition, we have created a separate proposal notification email alert reminder that snode owners can sign up for here so they do not forget to vote.(This email is separate to the Word on the BLOCK newsletter email).

  • An introduction to Superblocks and a guide to submitting and voting for proposals, can be found here.
  • A proposal category was created in the Blocknet Discord for focused and specific discussion of proposals and ideas. Within this category, there is a channel called #anon-snode-feedback for Service Node owners to provide anonymous feedback on proposals.
  • The amount requested must be 4320 BLOCK or less — Votes in favor must be greater than votes against by at least 10% of the total number of Service Nodes.
  • The proposals that pass are sorted in a descending order list by the sum of yes votes minus no votes. If multiple proposals have an equal sum of yes votes minus no votes, those are sorted randomly. If there are not enough funds remaining in the Superblock for a proposal to be paid out, it is skipped (not paid out), and the next proposal in the list is checked.
  • Multi-month proposals are voted on each month and are treated in the same manner as normal proposals in the ordered list.
  • There is also something called a ‘final budget,’ which needs to be submitted between 2880 blocks and 28 blocks before the Superblock. By default, Service Nodes automatically vote yes on final budgets. Moving forward, proposal voting will end 2880 blocks before the Superblock since the final budget locks in the proposal vote counts.
  • Voting will become a great deal easier and much more user-friendly in the new wallet, taking just a few clicks. You can view the designs for the voting functionality here.
  • An introduction to Superblocks and a guide to voting can be found here.

— — — — — — — —

Website / Discord / Twitter / Medium / Telegram / Reddit / Steemit / Newsletter / Facebook / YouTube / DTube / Instagram / Minds / BitcoinTalk / Proposal Forum / Arlyn’s Blog



The Blocknet Protocol
The Blocknet Protocol

Written by The Blocknet Protocol

Blocknet is a 2nd layer blockchain interoperability protocol that enables communication, interaction & exchange between different blockchains.

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