Please Vote For The Latest Community Superblock — 950400
Hello Snode owners! It’s time to vote for the latest proposals!
There is a great responsibility for Service Node (Snode) owners to vote either “yes,” or “no,” on the proposals. It cannot be emphasised enough how much the community as well as the Blocknet team relies on Snodes to vote on project proposals to ensure continued funding for development of the Blocknet.
The proposals for superblock 950400 can be viewed below or on the NEW FORUM forum here. Please note, proposals are being submitted individually so please make sure you scroll down and take your time to look over each proposal.
In the latest wallet voting is now much easier. Navigate to the proposal area:
Click the “Vote” button for a proposal you wish to vote on and choose “yes”, “no” or “abstain” to vote. (If voting for multiple nodes or a vps, check “Vote many”.)
If using an older wallet, follow the instructions on how to vote for each proposal below.
The latest Superblock details are below in alphabetical order:
Superblock 950400
Proposal Name: aderks-950400
Owner: aderks
Cost: 1000 BLOCK
To continue working with the UAT/Integrations/QA team for the month of June.
Previous Work
Aderks Superblock Proposal 2 to view background info and my previous work.
May Tasks
XRouter QA:
- Release Candidate QA/testing
- Fix for Connection issues
- Fix for Console lockup
- Fix for Fetchlimit/timeout to show in SPV configs
BlockDX QA:
- Finished finding 1st round of issues on Block DX Auto Setup V2 with Hanni, Fattox,86b. Confirmed/added Lucien’s findings from our community DX testing.
- Further multi-rounds of QA Block DX Setup V2 fixes
- Spread sync/rounding issues
Coin Integrations QA:
- GitHub confs/manifest creation with the above coins
- SCN wallet bump testing / manifest update
Docker Images QA:
- Started QA on XWallet images
Blocknet QT wallet QA:
- Started QA on Feature: Coin control in tools menu
- Created 16 XCloud plugins that can be used on main-net for free:
- CryptoCompare various pricing/volume info
- Current weather data
- Currency exchange rates and world currency list
- Global stock price/volume info & global stock ticker search
- 4chan board searcher, board viewer, thread viewer, thread viewer w/ price
- TwilioSendSMS (small fee to reduce requests)
- Setup Decred, Horizen, Bitbay, XST, BitcoinCash on XRouter
- Research other API’s and attempt new XCloud plugins to showcase XCloud
- Rough draft on creating XCloud services & Docker setup/usage
- Forum posts for XCloud services
SuperBlock On-going Contributions/Daily Tasks:
- General support services
- Assist Hanni, 86b, Fattox w/ any on-going tasks at hand
- Bug reporting, error tracking, logging
- Collaboration with other projects/teams (maintaining relationships, project updates with project delegates)
- New coin integration process
- Current integrated projects on-going QA w/ new version releases
- Create/update coin configuration entries to new JSON format
- Genesis testing
- Testing various exploits and one off situations (XBridge/XRouter)
- Blocknet wallet (classic/re-design) Windows testing/QA
- XBridge testing/QA
- XRouter testing/QA
- XCloud testing/QA
- Block DX UI Windows testing/QA
- Block DX Makerbot testing/QA/guide
- Assist Hanni with some of the document portal items ranging from guides to API outputs
- Dev support
- Assist UAT with coin announcements and on-going related communcations
Related Non-Deliverables:
- Time spent building/maintaining/housing server for testing purposes (self-funded, including monthly bills)
- Upgrade main workstation to handle testing requirements (self-funded)
- Learning/expanding on: Github, Markdown, Python, Docker, Networking, Bash
- Discord chats
- Continue with Dev support on any new features/fixes for XBridge, XRouter, XCloud
- Ready for QA: Bitcoin v0.18 changes to xbridge, dxGetOrderbook QA
- Continue with Dev support on QT wallet, Block DX updates
- QA/Integration of group 2 coins
- QA new versions of currently supported wallets
- Start to clean up and finalize XCloud documentation
- Continue with daily tasks
- 1000 BLOCK (Based off of current $3/BLOCK and reduction due to vacation) Feel free to ask me publicly or in DM what I am currently working on
How to vote:
- If not voting via the proposal area in the wallet (as described above) you can instead vote using the following method:
- Open wallet and go to Tools > Debug Console. The debug console will open in a new window.
- To vote for Proposal: aderks-950400, type the following command:
mnbudget vote 521513e3fc8093098119e7aa076825ffbeeed9178bcc1bd7fbb13e56bad0c00f yes/no
- If voting with multiple node, you can use “mnbudget vote-many….”
- If voting from the terminal, type in the following:
blocknetdx-cli mnbudget vote 521513e3fc8093098119e7aa076825ffbeeed9178bcc1bd7fbb13e56bad0c00f yes/no
— — — —
Proposal Name: aws-may
Owner: 86b
Cost: 340 BLOCK
This proposal is to cover our AWS-related project costs for the month of May.
How to vote:
- If not voting via the proposal area in the wallet (as described above) you can instead vote using the following method:
- Open wallet and go to Tools > Debug Console. The debug console will open in a new window.
- To vote for Proposal: aws-may, type the following command:
mnbudget vote 33e3c86ff116c5089432e46fcd3060cfb84779ce943e9b5eb6049891a1a71914 yes/no
- If voting with multiple node, you can use “mnbudget vote-many….”
- If voting from the terminal, type in the following:
blocknetdx-cli mnbudget vote 33e3c86ff116c5089432e46fcd3060cfb84779ce943e9b5eb6049891a1a71914 yes/no
— — — —
Proposal Name: blockdx-jsdev-jun
Owner: michael
Cost: 1500 BLOCK
Proposal: Block DX Dev
Block DX requires continued javascript development, maintenance, and bug fixing. This work is being completed by a js developer that has been working with the team on Block DX since January 2018.
- Fix scientific notation issues
- Fix balance screen issues
- Take order fixes
- Setup screen fixes
- Bug fixes
How to vote:
- If not voting via the proposal area in the wallet (as described above) you can instead vote using the following method:
- Open wallet and go to Tools > Debug Console. The debug console will open in a new window.
- To vote for Proposal: blockdx-jsdev-jun, type the following command:
mnbudget vote 8fcd6e64341563a88f7895767d6c60363bfe93920ed9d9aaab2e167fd8ea3047 yes/no
- If voting with multiple node, you can use “mnbudget vote-many….”
- If voting from the terminal, type in the following:
blocknetdx-cli mnbudget vote 8fcd6e64341563a88f7895767d6c60363bfe93920ed9d9aaab2e167fd8ea3047 yes/no
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Proposal Name: buildserver-cost-jun
Owner: michael
Cost: 230 BLOCK
Proposal: Build Server
This build and test server is responsible for auto-generating all of the dev builds for Linux, Mac, Windows and is important for QA testing as well as for validating Blocknet’s code on github. It also allows the community to beta test our upcoming releases.
How to vote:
- If not voting via the proposal area in the wallet (as described above) you can instead vote using the following method:
- Open wallet and go to Tools > Debug Console. The debug console will open in a new window.
- To vote for Proposal: buildserver-cost-jun, type the following command:
mnbudget vote 9948fd421a82445fd73410041383c5d22d2708d48e5bc52f89b7a966016d0103 yes/no
- If voting with multiple node, you can use “mnbudget vote-many….”
- If voting from the terminal, type in the following:
blocknetdx-cli mnbudget vote 9948fd421a82445fd73410041383c5d22d2708d48e5bc52f89b7a966016d0103 yes/no
— — — —
Proposal Name: equipment-950400
Owner: UAT team
Cost: 870 BLOCK
Proposal: Project Equipment
This proposal is being made to upgrade existing physical equipment that aids development support, UAT, integration, and QA tasks. These various SSD and RAM upgrades are required in order to provide a high quality testing environment on both mainnet and testnet to developers battle testing XRouter, XBridge, and XCloud services on various chains including custom chains such as Ethereum and EOS which demand abundant computing, storage, and memory resources.
Purpose and details of equipment:
- Increase storage space on existing machines
- Increase RAM on existing machines
- These equipment upgrades will help sustain the demands on various custom chains and services including and not limited to geth, Parity, nodeos, Neo, Ripple, etc.
- Equipment upgrades will allow us to deliver a reliable and responsive service to developers and users alike testing and building on the Blocknet protocol.
How to vote:
- If not voting via the proposal area in the wallet (as described above) you can instead vote using the following method:
- Open wallet and go to Tools > Debug Console. The debug console will open in a new window.
- To vote for Proposal: equipment-950400, type the following command:
mnbudget vote 7c014481233f23d119040a39de3778d793a2eda393a35abb0ecd001152b26546 yes/no
- If voting with multiple node, you can use “mnbudget vote-many….”
- If voting from the terminal, type in the following:
blocknetdx-cli mnbudget vote 7c014481233f23d119040a39de3778d793a2eda393a35abb0ecd001152b26546 yes/no
— — — —
Proposal Name: hanniabu-950400
Owner: Hanni Abu
Cost: 4500 BLOCK
Previous Work:
I began contributing in August 2017 when I saw there were areas the project could use help in. The first thing I worked on was an informational website ( since informational resources we lacking. This led to submitting my first Superblock proposal that next month for further contribution.
Since then I have been responsible for multiple projects and tasks, as well have assisted in others. Some of these items are as follows:
- API documentation (
- New configurations file format:
- Compose documentation (
- Compose content
- Compose specifications
- Wallet QA (MacOS)
- Block DX QA (MacOS)
- Block DX development
- Website development
- Participate in interviews
- Roadmap discussion
- Manage and organize files and documents
- Review announcements and publications
- Convention prep, attending convention, and followups
- Newsletter content, review, and submission
- Article reviews
- Release announcements, posts, and emails
- Respond to questions from the community
- Respond to emails
- Fill out applications and forms
Below is a list of items I have been working on the past Superblock period.
- Daily intra-team communication and coordination
- Reviewed/finalized the newsletter
- Submitted newsletter email
- Continued documentation
- Maintain existing documentation
- Maintain blockchain-configuration-files
- Maintain and update bootstrap files
- Update API documentation
- Wallet QA, release
- Block DX QA, release, manage tasks
- Review articles being prepped
- Coordinate with exchanges and services for wallet update
- Update financial tracker
- Forum updates
- Website maintenance
- Request updates on information sites
As a core contributor of Blocknet, I take part in many daily tasks that help keep the project running smoothly, as well as larger tasks that move Blocknet forward. Putting in an average 60 hours a week, I partake in projects that build Blocknet’s foundation and assist in other projects in order to help meet objectives. This proposal is for compensation to allow me to continue contributing to Blocknet for the next upcoming Superblock period.
I have a technical background with a degree in mechanical engineering, prior development experience, and have spent a few years a a few early stage startups (pre and post seed round). This experience helps in various aspects of the project including working in a fast-paced environment, wearing multiple ‘hats’, pivoting priorities and tasks, understanding the project technicals and vision, communicating the different components, conveying concepts into diagrams and text, and budgeting and financials.
Attention to detail is another useful trait. When reviewing interface UI and user experience, performing QA, writing specifications and documents, and communicating concepts, this attention to detail is important as it’s typically the intricacies that make a difference.
In addition to daily tasks, the following list are main items I plan to be working on in the following Superblock period. Keep in mind that some of these may not be completed this upcoming Superblock period or may be pushed back due to a change in priority.
- Block DX development
- Continued documentation
- Continued wallet and Block DX tutorials
- Continued website content revision
The amount requested for this Superblock is a retainer to continue contributing to this project.
How to vote:
- If not voting via the proposal area in the wallet (as described above) you can instead vote using the following method:
- Open wallet and go to Tools > Debug Console. The debug console will open in a new window.
- To vote for Proposal: hanniabu-950400, type the following command:
mnbudget vote 168c4eccd4815c6c023b48a98f86733e68d229ad44e45517e79df9853eb1efdd yes/no
- If voting with multiple node, you can use “mnbudget vote-many….”
- If voting from the terminal, type in the following:
blocknetdx-cli mnbudget vote 168c4eccd4815c6c023b48a98f86733e68d229ad44e45517e79df9853eb1efdd yes/no
— — — —
Proposal Name: infinity7592-june19
Owner: Infinity7592
Cost: 375 BLOCK
A bug regarding the tx broadcast still unsolved.
How to vote:
- If not voting via the proposal area in the wallet (as described above) you can instead vote using the following method:
- Open wallet and go to Tools > Debug Console. The debug console will open in a new window.
- To vote for Proposal: infinity7592-june19, type the following command:
mnbudget vote 67700b9b21823d49ab9ef4c140bc71fdcd094072810bc7d33a597313dea58f60 yes/no
- If voting with multiple node, you can use “mnbudget vote-many….”
- If voting from the terminal, type in the following:
blocknetdx-cli mnbudget vote 67700b9b21823d49ab9ef4c140bc71fdcd094072810bc7d33a597313dea58f60 yes/no
— — — —
Proposal Name: marketingfund-950400
Owner: Fattox (Funds are paid out directly to our Marketing Fund
Cost: 4600 BLOCK
Proposal: Marketing Content Fund
A lot of time and effort has been spent during May investigating what options are available to us for content creation. We also had a video made by Chico Crypto, and have a number of other videos (reviews/interviews) already confirmed and/or in the negotiation phase.
We’d like to increase and maintain a healthy frequency of content creation, in the form of (mostly) videos and published articles. In order to fund these creations and publications, we have decided it makes sense to determine a monthly budget for content creation and plan for expenditure.
As a first draft, using our data, we have come up with the following:
$15k/month — which should afford us:
- 2–3 Youtube videos.
- 1 or more published articles on crypto news sites.
- Any graphics/design work associated with the above media.
Currently our Marketing Fund has 6061 BLOCK: 1
(Note: The funds are temporarily being staked, this was to aid in stabilising our chain while we had our forking problems over the past few days, it will be disabled once we’re sure everything is steady.)
This fund is valued at around $20k at our current price level. Less $8k in confirmed but yet unpaid expenses. So, approximately $12k total remains.
Relying on the current balance of this fund, without making this proposal, would leave us with little to no ‘buffer’ or safety net in place to ensure that we can continue paying for such content. Or perhaps leave us unable to fund these efforts throughout June at all, especially if our price should move down.
Therefore, we’d like to make a proposal for content creation each month, ahead of time, to keep this buffer of funds intact, in case we need to cover any unforseen Marketing expenses that may arise, or cope with a downturn in price.
If you’d like to support us in keeping up the pressure and efforts of getting ourselves noticed and infront of the eyes of various audiences, please vote for this initiative.
How to vote:
- If not voting via the proposal area in the wallet (as described above) you can instead vote using the following method:
- Open wallet and go to Tools > Debug Console. The debug console will open in a new window.
- To vote for Proposal: marketingfund-950400, type the following command:
mnbudget vote 1e37e2e88b35e1229f29c3fc70cda66bce638ab35b624a57704f2d5b4b62ff73 yes/no
- If voting with multiple node, you can use “mnbudget vote-many….”
- If voting from the terminal, type in the following:
blocknetdx-cli mnbudget vote 1e37e2e88b35e1229f29c3fc70cda66bce638ab35b624a57704f2d5b4b62ff73 yes/no
— — — —
Proposal Name: michael-dev-jun
Owner: michael
Cost: 6500 BLOCK
Proposal: Core Development
May recap
Development in May has been focused on upgrading to the v18 Bitcoin codebase. The core Proof-of-Stake code has been implemented and the chain is capable of syncing the Blocknet chain. Additional PoS checks and optimizations are required to support PoS on the Bitcoin codebase and development of these additional checks is in progress. The v18 Bitcoin codebase was not designed for PoS, so the team is focused on ensuring the security of the PoS system is not compromised during the upgrade. Additionally, version 3.13.1 was released which included improvements to the XRouter networking code. Block DX 1.1.0 was also released, containing many many updates over the past several months.
June Overview
This month is focused on continuing the upgrade process of the Blocknet core blockchain and networking code. Bitcoin v18 is the core codebase for Blocknet. Additionally, bug fixes to XBridge and XRouter will remain a priority while the chain upgrade is in progress.
Core Development task summary:
- XBridge maintenance
- XRouter maintenance
- New basechain R&D
- XRouter 1.0
Upcoming XRouter tasks:
- Blocknet Name Service
- URL plugin type
- XRouter c++ library
- XRouter golang library
New base blockchain plan:
Blocknet desperately needs a new base blockchain and we’re planning on forking the latest v18 Bitcoin codebase to put us in line with the best security, network protocol optimizations, and optimized code. We plan on adding Service nodes and staking to the v18 Bitcoin codebase.
Reasons for new base chain:
- Upstream security updates and optimizations (on the current chain we’re unable to efficiently incorporate upstream changes from PIVX/Dash)
- Security and stability, Bitcoin has a much more resilient and tested codebase
- Scalability, we need an overhaul of our RPC and networking code to support mass adoption of XBridge and XRouter
- Developer network, Bitcoin has a strong and active developer network
This is a multi-month effort, and will put Blocknet’s basechain in line with the BTC standard. The dev team is planning the following:
- Forking v18 Bitcoin
- Implementing On-Chain Governance (proposal voting will be recorded directly on-chain)
- Moving everyone to Staking rewards
- Service Nodes are not going away, but they will be exclusive to powering DX/XBridge and XRouter
- Service Nodes will be able to stake and can earn additional fees through XBridge and XRouter
How to vote:
- If not voting via the proposal area in the wallet (as described above) you can instead vote using the following method:
- Open wallet and go to Tools > Debug Console. The debug console will open in a new window.
- To vote for Proposal: michael-dev-jun, type the following command:
mnbudget vote 7fc393449e355acb9db03bc3847a8024231c3b7c6388a2623f981fcc259aea68 yes/no
- If voting with multiple node, you can use “mnbudget vote-many….”
- If voting from the terminal, type in the following:
blocknetdx-cli mnbudget vote 7fc393449e355acb9db03bc3847a8024231c3b7c6388a2623f981fcc259aea68 yes/no
— — — —
Proposal Name: sb950400_atc_aws
Owner: atcsecure
Cost: 500 BLOCK
Previous Work: Provides gitian build system, blocknet’s new forum, supports blockdx’s/chain configurations
Overview: AWS is used for critical infrastructure of the blocknet ecosystem
How to vote:
- If not voting via the proposal area in the wallet (as described above) you can instead vote using the following method:
- Open wallet and go to Tools > Debug Console. The debug console will open in a new window.
- To vote for Proposal: sb950400_atc_aws, type the following command:
mnbudget vote d98eee8722cca1dffc1df0cb6ac1e9ea9874ccdbd2b68beffb5547b0c7addeaf yes/no
- If voting with multiple node, you can use “mnbudget vote-many….”
- If voting from the terminal, type in the following:
blocknetdx-cli mnbudget vote d98eee8722cca1dffc1df0cb6ac1e9ea9874ccdbd2b68beffb5547b0c7addeaf yes/no
— — — —
Proposal Name: sb950400-reallocate
Owner: atcsecure
Cost: 10 BLOCK
Proposal: Marketing Fund
Overview: Allocate the 7k block that was going to be used for the information-matrix tv/video production to a marketing fund
How to vote:
- If not voting via the proposal area in the wallet (as described above) you can instead vote using the following method:
- Open wallet and go to Tools > Debug Console. The debug console will open in a new window.
- To vote for Proposal: sb950400-reallocate, type the following command:
mnbudget vote 7182f113639868148839deebf79105c8ddd42ef57f515a4b0b7c846266eff536 yes/no
- If voting with multiple node, you can use “mnbudget vote-many….”
- If voting from the terminal, type in the following:
blocknetdx-cli mnbudget vote 7182f113639868148839deebf79105c8ddd42ef57f515a4b0b7c846266eff536 yes/no
— — — —
Proposal Name: sb950400-dx-market
Owner: atcsecure
Cost: 500 BLOCK
Proposal: Market Making
Previous Work: Last Month, the market making bot provided over $100k of liquidity on the BLOCK/LTC pair on the DEX
Overview: Market Making bots for BLOCK/LTC, DASH/LTC, DGB/LTC, SYS/LTC.
How to vote:
- If not voting via the proposal area in the wallet (as described above) you can instead vote using the following method:
- Open wallet and go to Tools > Debug Console. The debug console will open in a new window.
- To vote for Proposal: sb950400-dx-market, type the following command:
mnbudget vote 72bfa7c680cd5891b884f3858c23899dcdb7d0b8812945b79a2f10cdc695bb2a yes/no
- If voting with multiple node, you can use “mnbudget vote-many….”
- If voting from the terminal, type in the following:
blocknetdx-cli mnbudget vote 72bfa7c680cd5891b884f3858c23899dcdb7d0b8812945b79a2f10cdc695bb2a yes/no
— — — —
Proposal Name: Social_Philip_June
Owner: Philip Marshall
Cost: 725 BLOCK
Previous, Recent and forthcoming tasks:
- I wrote a new article that was published on CCN: “Exchange Hackings, Security and Freedom:Why Would Traditional Exchanges Embrace a Decentralized Exchange?” This covers recent exchange hacks and illustrates how embracing the Blocknet Protocol will benefit ALL exchanges. Read it here.
- Various use cases for XRouter continue to be shared across social media including cases for Business & Industry, Certifications, Supply Chain and Markets.
- I wrote and researched an in depth examination of the history of decentralized exchanges. This is a deep dive that examines the evolution of the DEX and compares various decentralized exchanges to see how they measure up. There is a detailed breakdown covering the different generations of the DEX and whether they can truly claim to be a decentralized exchange. Read it here.
- I researched and published a comparison of various DEX that can be viewed here. You can also view the research and sources for this information here.
- I am working on finishing up a new article that explains the differences between an internet of Blockchains and an intranet of Blockchains.
- I am working closely with redactedman as he continues to source talent for graphics and for article writing.
- Maintain and manage the social media profile of Blocknet on Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, BTCTalk, Youtube, Medium and other platforms.
- Ensure communications from the developers and marketing team can be transmitted in a clear and timely manner to the community.
- Respond to the community.
- Compile and write regular newsletter.
- Contribute to various marketing materials and initiatives.
- Write press releases and news updates.
- Write and create articles for specific initiatives.
- Manage, source, correspond and coordinate payments to news and media outlets.
- Maintain various internal spreadsheets.
- Participate in strategy discussions as part of the strategy group.
Cost Assessment:
6.0 BLOCK per hour / 4 hours per day @ $3.24 per BLOCK.
A fixed amount of 725 BLOCK from Superblock (Plus 10 BLOCK fee) If this proposal passes but is bumped from the Superblock due to there not being enough room, this will be paid out from the Marketing Fund
How to vote:
- If not voting via the proposal area in the wallet (as described above) you can instead vote using the following method:
- Open wallet and go to Tools > Debug Console. The debug console will open in a new window.
- To vote for Proposal: Social_Philip_June, type the following command:
mnbudget vote 826667a0310dc3b71fa229b71f6603b844724dc16047b4810c47f72ef9f0f328 yes/no
- If voting with multiple node, you can use “mnbudget vote-many….”
- If voting from the terminal, type in the following:
blocknetdx-cli mnbudget vote 826667a0310dc3b71fa229b71f6603b844724dc16047b4810c47f72ef9f0f328 yes/no
— — — —
Proposal Name: TheVoice-905400
Owner: TheVoice
Cost: 1250 BLOCK
Previous Work:
Support, Telegram, and Discord, Real Use Videos
Focus on Blocknet Project through support and core team assistance along with regular involvement on any needed core projects. Broaden the use and creation of tools to simplify user ease of use — real use videos for the community. I created the videos for the support channels.
The Blocknet Quick Setup Videos to help new users begin trading on Blocknet DX.
I created the videos that helped the Linux wallet upgrades
For sync, shutdown stuck or fix wallet issues I created two videos for users who don’t want or are uncomfortable with getting into data directories.
Windows Users
- Reindex Command for Windows Shortcut (Fix #1 of 3 for Sync or Start Issue) For…
- Resync Command for Windows Shortcut (Fix #2 of 3 for Sync or Start Issue) For…
At my core I am a Learn and Share, Share and Learn Support Professional and Core application basher. My specialty is support for the community and to the extreme correcting and/or clarifying application usability issues. Here I found that a new user could back out of password encryption yet the gui did not recognize the canceling of encryption. The only way to correct this was to reboot the wallet. This was then reported to 86b immediately upon findings. Along with full video and description of the occurrence. Link to video:
I will focus most of my time in three areas — Support Channel and Real Use Usability Videos, and Usability Bashing, with the goal in making new user adoption to the Blocknet DX as easy as possible.
How to vote:
- If not voting via the proposal area in the wallet (as described above) you can instead vote using the following method:
- Open wallet and go to Tools > Debug Console. The debug console will open in a new window.
- To vote for Proposal: TheVoice-905400, type the following command:
mnbudget vote 8115605b89bd40c079b6c1a9b52d5248260d8c35edfc612bae78dc6877072a35 yes/no
- If voting with multiple node, you can use “mnbudget vote-many….”
- If voting from the terminal, type in the following:
blocknetdx-cli mnbudget vote 8115605b89bd40c079b6c1a9b52d5248260d8c35edfc612bae78dc6877072a35 yes/no
— — — —
Proposal Name: UAT-950400
Owner: 86b / Fattox
Cost: 7020 BLOCK
- Integration strategy — Including future platform investigation/testing within UAT (ETH and beyond).
- Product analysis — Related to the areas both the above (external products) and below (our products). Discussions within the team on technical considerations.
- XRouter/XCloud testing and QA.
- Block DX UI QA.
- Wallet/Client release QA.
- Auto configuration (wizard) testing and QA.
- Other bug reporting, error tracking, and logging + any other relevant QA tasks with UAT/devs.
- Support — Both within the community and also helping out partners who are interested in testing our products.
- Coin Announcements lifecycle: from initial integration/QA to community/partner outreach and coordination of announcements/support. Creating ANN media.
Note: Currently taking lower priority for the sake of other tasks in the pipeline. - Helping to support and promote the use of Block DX to communities that are integrated in to our protocol, both old and new. Using raffles, airdrops, tips (etc) as a way to enable people to try the DX using these small portions of BLOCK as trade-fees.
- Assisting in any efforts we make towards pushing awareness of Blocknet throughout the communities of our supported projects and partners, as well as towards fresh eyes, by working with new partners and influencers where advantageous. Co-marketing efforts may be taken up when deemed to be beneficial.
- Collaborating on content creation for Blocknet’s Social Media, to aid in driving traffic to our site and community channels.
- Collaborating on other developmental/marketing strategies and initiatives, with both the Strategy group and the team as a whole.
- Collaborating on the creation and maintenance of documentation: EG Tutorials, resources, informative articles and other content, for both our community and a wider audience.
- Collaboration and communication with current partners, delegates and other teams we work with.
- Dealing with any necessary discussions and negotiations undertaken with any other potential partners and third-parties who would like to work with us. EG: Exchanges, dev teams and any other interested parties.
- Communicating closely with content creators to arrange the creation of works (videos, podcasts, articles), focused on promoting Blocknet to the masses.
How to vote:
- If not voting via the proposal area in the wallet (as described above) you can instead vote using the following method:
- Open wallet and go to Tools > Debug Console. The debug console will open in a new window.
- To vote for Proposal: UAT-950400, type the following command:
mnbudget vote 3d306401a26e1b54a2ead8bfdcf54cc69fd9c6f72be1ab40a8f24917235496d6 yes/no
- If voting with multiple node, you can use “mnbudget vote-many….”
- If voting from the terminal, type in the following:
blocknetdx-cli mnbudget vote 3d306401a26e1b54a2ead8bfdcf54cc69fd9c6f72be1ab40a8f24917235496d6 yes/no
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For more detailed instructions see:
- An introduction to Superblocks and a guide to submitting and voting for proposals, can be found here.
- A proposal category was created in the Blocknet Discord for focused and specific discussion of proposals and ideas. Within this category, there is a channel called #anon-snode-feedback for Service Node owners to provide anonymous feedback on proposals.
- Votes in favor must be greater than votes against by at least 10% of the total number of Service Nodes.
- The proposals that pass are sorted in a descending order list by the sum of yes votes minus no votes. If multiple proposals have an equal sum of yes votes minus no votes, those are sorted randomly. If there are not enough funds remaining in the Superblock for a proposal to be paid out, it is skipped (not paid out), and the next proposal in the list is checked.
- Multi-month proposals are voted on each month and are treated in the same manner as normal proposals in the ordered list.
- There is also something called a ‘final budget,’ which needs to be submitted between 2880 blocks and 28 blocks before the Superblock. By default, Service Nodes automatically vote yes on final budgets. Moving forward, proposal voting will end 2880 blocks before the Superblock since the final budget locks in the proposal vote counts.
- An introduction to Superblocks and a guide to voting can be found here.
- In addition, we have created a separate proposal notification email alert reminder that snode owners can sign up for here so they do not forget to vote. (This email is separate to the Word on the BLOCK newsletter email).
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