Please vote for the latest Community Superblock
Hello Snode owners! It’s time to vote for the latest proposals!
There is a great responsibility for Service Node (Snode) owners to vote either “yes,” or “no,” on the proposals. It cannot be emphasised enough how much the community as well as the Blocknet team relies on Snodes to vote on project proposals to ensure continued funding for development of the Blocknet.
The proposals for superblock 734400 can be viewed below or on the forum here. Voting will close at Block 731520, but your node must remain active until block 734400 for your vote to count. Please note, proposals are being submitted individually so please make sure you scroll down and take your time to look over each proposal.
In the latest wallet voting is now much easier. Navigate to the proposal area:
Click the “Vote” button for a proposal you wish to vote on and choose “yes”, “no” or “abstain” to vote. (If voting for multiple nodes or a vps, check “Vote many”.)
If using an older wallet, follow the instructions on how to vote for each proposal below.
The latest Superblock details are below in alphabetical order:
Superblock 734400
Proposal: Business_Dev (Dungor)
- Main role is as an interim-Business Developer & Growth Hacker. (Operational)
- Secondary role is Process Consultant. (Tactical, Strategic)
Interim-Business Developer & Growth Hacker
This role is interim as Blocknet really needs a professional Growth Hacker with the required education and experience. However the project and especially the product life-cycle process isn’t tuned to match growth hacking yet. How to get Blocknet ready will be covered in the secondary role as Process Consultant. We have a current need for a Business Developer role. We want Blocknet to be if not the standard for interoperability then at-least part of it. Two initiatives for this are ongoing:
- Join the standards work surrounding the ISO and IEEE. Synechist and I are both approaching ISO from our respective personal networks while coordinating efforts and progress. (This will not be completed within a month, this is just working towards the goal)
- Join Hyperledger which is a project governance standard under the Linux foundation, but also a partnerships channel. I have received material and process. ( will make a plan and do as much as possible minimising dev resources on it)
- Furthermore I will continue working on the leads generated from the NA Blockchain Expo. I will work on finding “low-hanging” reference cases for Blocknet with smaller providers. I will produce a value stream visualisation, which is an overview of what Blocknet the project focus on in it’s market, and what opportunities there are for partnership organisations to service customers using Blocknet. (In a more lay-man format than Lean VS mapping)
Process Consultant
The objective of this role is to do an analysis of what it would take to make Blocknet optimised to get to market with it’s products faster, and how we could define products and value propositions to scale our user base faster. Example: It is easy to articulate that a shapeshift like UI could open a market before the DEX gathers enough volume to open up the market that suits it’s UI. However actually hashing this out in a plan and getting contributors on board takes more than a wish of an end goal. This is coordination of full stack and full life-cycle. Tasks:
- Role Description for a Growth Hacker — To be used in recruiting when the Superblock can sustain it.
- Analysis of what it would take to setup the project organisation to work in a way that would support and utilise the mindset. Process analysis for later process improvements, Sales funnel and product life-cycle.
- Cost to Company analysis
- Partnership management Process
- Business rules for partnerships (i.e. we don’t partner with centralised Master node pools) This will make taking decisions on potential partnerships more efficient. The Business rules can involve the community without breaching NDA or requiring Service nodes to have to micro-manage the project.
About me
Strategic Advisor for Blocknet since it was an idea. Trusted advisor to the team. I have a background in Business Process Management, Enterprise Architecture and PRINCE2 Project Management. I have 7 years experience building and implementing complex capabilities into organisations through process work, training/adoption and project initiatives. I have seldom been subject matter expert in the areas where I up-skilled the organisation, yet I have implemented best practices and training of key personal and required changes to processes and IT. For the last 1½ year I have worked as a Business Consultant for Denmark’s Leading Microsoft Gold Partner, doing the same kind of tasks but mostly related to Microsoft Software implementation projects. I hold a Master in IT Management and Business Economics. My full resume is available through linkedin.
My Motivation for this proposal is that in relation to the NA Blockchain Expo my loyalty and focus was brought into question because I was taking time off to work on Blocknet (and thus not billing hours). At a partner level it was decided that Blockchain no longer would be an area of focus for the company. I chose that I will continue working with Blockchain tech, and contribute to Blocknet. December has been used closing down projects and I will have a month of garden leave in January that I would like to spend as described in this proposal. If the market conditions of Blocknet allows for it, I would like to seek either a permanent or part-time role with Blocknet paid. I have worked pro-bono for Blocknet for more than 4 years now. My Strategic Adviser role will continue to be pro-bono.
Cost Assessment: Total: 1060 BLOCK @1.80$. This is 4 times less than a full time salary for me. This rate is so that nodes can try out my work. The proposal is conditioned by that the new funding proposal is passed and it can be paid by the 40k Superblock (no community funds) and that all dev expenses has been covered first. If the raised Superblock needs time to be effective, this payment can be delayed until it’s ready, while under promise of payment my work will start immediately.
How to Vote
- Open wallet and go to Tools > Debug Console. The debug console will open in a new window.
- To vote for Proposal: Business_dev, type the following command:
mnbudget vote 9000c35040fd9e2feadb38717e760106fe2f279fd53efc76d0b987e5e25efd92 yes/no/abstain
- If voting with multiple node, you can use “mnbudget vote-many….”
- If voting from the terminal, type in the following:
blocknetdx-cli mnbudget vote 9000c35040fd9e2feadb38717e760106fe2f279fd53efc76d0b987e5e25efd92 yes/no/abstain
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Proposal: Core Development (Michael)
Proposals: michael-dev-jan-1 / michael-dev-jan-2 / michael-dev-jan-3 / buildserver-cost-jan / blockdx-js-dev-jan
Proposals: michael-dev-jan-1 / michael-dev-jan-2 / michael-dev-jan-3 /
I am separating proposals because a single proposal for my efforts no longer fits in the Superblock. By voting on these proposals you agree to allow me to be paid from Burn Funds even if the specific Burn Fund proposal fails. I encourage snodes to vote yes on giving the core team access to the Burn Funds. The team’s spending has been made public. There isn’t another dev team in all of crypto that has been as transparent and honest with community funds and spending as Blocknet.
For January I will continue working to improve the XBridge platform. I will be improving the trader fee system by adding the ability to refund traders involved in failed orders. Some service node operators are experiencing performance related issues that I will be working on. I will also be code reviewing Block DX tasks and XRouter as needed.
January tasks:
- Trader fee verification
- Refundable trade fees (for failed orders)
- XBridge stability improvements (fixing the old xbridge code)
- Maintenance and bug fixes (networking and p2p layer)
- XRouter and Block DX code reviews
- Team mtgs and project planning (tasks, roadmap, admin work)
Cost Assessment: Total: 7500 BLOCK. (I submitted three proposals of 3000 BLOCK x 2 and 1000 BLOCK x 1 — michael-dev-jan-1 / michael-dev-jan-2 / michael-dev-jan-3)
How to Vote
- Open wallet and go to Tools > Debug Console. The debug console will open in a new window.
- To vote for Proposal: michael-dev-jan-1, type the following command:
mnbudget vote 0fd9f1dcda8aa4411961f3179dca863baf9eca0cac192b168a4ae76efe2264dd yes/no
- To vote for Proposal: michael-dev-jan-2, type the following command:
mnbudget vote 55c495fe0002b9a19899903589f5cdadd530e99c73c0736f1da88335225ab84e yes/no
- To vote for Proposal: michael-dev-jan-3, type the following command:
mnbudget vote 824aab69ff2c8f2e0a2ffb5fc5e895ca773cb23baeeb661f7dee7d0147e960f3 yes/no
- If voting with multiple node, you can use “mnbudget vote-many….”
- If voting from the terminal, type in the following:
blocknetdx-cli mnbudget vote 0fd9f1dcda8aa4411961f3179dca863baf9eca0cac192b168a4ae76efe2264dd yes/noblocknetdx-cli mnbudget vote 55c495fe0002b9a19899903589f5cdadd530e99c73c0736f1da88335225ab84e yes/noblocknetdx-cli mnbudget vote 824aab69ff2c8f2e0a2ffb5fc5e895ca773cb23baeeb661f7dee7d0147e960f3 yes/no
Proposal: buildserver-cost-jan
This build and test server is responsible for auto-generating all of our dev builds for Linux, Mac, Windows and is extremely important for QA testing as well as for validating our code on github.
Cost Assessment: Total: 650 BLOCK
- To vote for Proposal: buildserver-cost-jan, type the following command:
mnbudget vote fa5017a08247ea7f3cc02543ff7f5665fcf0ddd1bef6d2de0901470e45709941 yes/no
- If voting with multiple node, you can use “mnbudget vote-many….”
- If voting from the terminal, type in the following:
blocknetdx-cli mnbudget vote fa5017a08247ea7f3cc02543ff7f5665fcf0ddd1bef6d2de0901470e45709941 yes/no
Proposal: Blockdx-js-dev-jan
This for the contract JS dev that’s been working with us since March 2018.
Cost Assessment: Total: 2750 BLOCK
- To vote for Proposal: Blockdx-js-dev-jan, type the following command:
mnbudget vote 6ec796f0fdb5010ac62e6d0ceb1cdea6b83f0323ca9a43d32f05dd42d36337e2 yes/no
- If voting with multiple node, you can use “mnbudget vote-many….”
- If voting from the terminal, type in the following:
blocknetdx-cli mnbudget vote 6ec796f0fdb5010ac62e6d0ceb1cdea6b83f0323ca9a43d32f05dd42d36337e2 yes/no
Note* any of these proposals with sufficient votes will be paid out of the Burn Fund (or designated community fund if the Burn Fund proposal is approved).
Proposals’ url:
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Proposal: hanniabu-734400 (Hanni)
As a core contributor of Blocknet, I take part in many daily tasks that help keep the project running smoothly, as well as larger tasks that move Blocknet forward. Putting in an average 60 hours a week, I partake in projects that build Blocknet's foundation and assist in other projects in order to help meet objectives. This proposal is for compensation to allow me to continue contributing to Blocknet for the next upcoming Superblock period.
I have a technical background with a degree in mechanical engineering, prior development experience, and have spent a few years a a few early stage startups (pre and post seed round). This experience helps in various aspects of the project including working in a fast-paced environment, wearing multiple 'hats', pivoting priorities and tasks, understanding the project technicals and vision, communicating the different components, conveying concepts into diagrams and text, and budgeting and financials.
Attention to detail is another useful trait. When reviewing interface UI and user experience, performing QA, writing specifications and documents, and communicating concepts, this attention to detail is important as it's typically the intricacies that make a difference.
Past Contributions
I began contributing in August 2017 when I saw there were areas the project could use help in. The first thing I worked on was an informational website ( since informational resources we lacking. This led to submitting my first Superblock proposal that next month for further contribution.
Since then I have been responsible for multiple projects and tasks, as well have assisted in others. Some of these items are as follows:
- API documentation:
- New configurations file format:
- Compose documentation
- Compose content
- Compose specifications
- Wallet QA (MacOS)
- Block DX QA (MacOS)
- Participate in interviews
- Roadmap discussion
- Manage and organize files and documents
- Review announcements and publications
- Convention prep, attending convention, and followups
- Newsletter content, review, and submission
- Release announcements, posts, and emails
- Respond to questions from the community
- Respond to emails
- Fill out applications and forms
Past Month
Below is a list of items I have been working on the past Superblock period.
- Daily intra-team communication and coordination
- Reviewed/finalized the newsletter
- Reviewed/finalized roadmap release post
- Wallet & Block DX release post
- Submitted newsletter email
- Submitted wallet update emails
- Update announcements
- Updated email templates
- Prepped and published updates for
- Built social growth tracker
- Task management of Block DX improvements
---- Manage priorities
---- Write up tasks/specs
- Wallet QA
---- Settings Screen
---- Debug Console Screen
- Documentation portal
- Tutorials
- Expense report
- Write project-funding proposal
- Spec write-ups
- Updated website language
In addition to daily tasks, the following list are main items I plan to be working on in the following Superblock period. Keep in mind that some of these may not be completed this upcoming Superblock period or may be pushed back due to a change in priority.
- Website content (documentation portal)
- Coinbase listing
- Wallet tutorial videos
- Block DX tutorial videos
- Javascript library for generating, checking, compiling, and searching configs (lower priority)
Work has begun on these items with the plan to release a majority of it throughout the next month. There has been some delay on this from the project losing contributors and change in focus to address concerns about funding and expense reporting.
Cost Assessment: Total: 2220 BLOCK @~$1.60 BLOCK = $3.5k/mo = $42.2k/yr
As a retainer to continue contributing to this project, the above amount is requested for this Superblock with payment to be made out of the community funds if the proposal passes but is bumped.
How to Vote
- Open wallet and go to Tools > Debug Console. The debug console will open in a new window.
- To vote for Proposal: hanniabu-734400, type the following command:
mnbudget vote 1a6444fccb39dc10e8ef0d0e224e7f52648737e4b4989dc3652027bbc8e90b58 yes/no
- If voting with multiple node, you can use “mnbudget vote-many….”
- If voting from the terminal, type in the following:
blocknetdx-cli mnbudget vote 1a6444fccb39dc10e8ef0d0e224e7f52648737e4b4989dc3652027bbc8e90b58 yes/no
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Proposal: infinity7592-jan19 (Infinty7592)
- A bug regarding the tx broadcast still unsolved. Still investigating.
- Simplified ledger wallet still needs refinements, additions (better logging, user input validation), and
code cleanings
Cost Assessment: Total: 375 BLOCK + 10 BLOCK (fee)
How to Vote
- Open wallet and go to Tools > Debug Console. The debug console will open in a new window.
- To vote for Proposal: infinity7592-jan19, type the following command:
mnbudget vote 0fee7f3bf8884dbc37d3a2f49bc4f9bfcf2034db23c1bd5497ad84c4cf83fff3 yes/no/abstain
- If voting with multiple node, you can use “mnbudget vote-many….”
- If voting from the terminal, type in the following:
blocknetdx-cli mnbudget vote 0fee7f3bf8884dbc37d3a2f49bc4f9bfcf2034db23c1bd5497ad84c4cf83fff3 yes/no/abstain
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Proposal: marketing-cryptoved3 (Cryptoved)
Continuation of our Social Media Marketing Initiatives:
• Oversee BLOCK1000 Initiative (bounty rewards for community posts; Discord Tipbot; Coin Community Q&A blog posts; TwitterChats)
• Continue with Organization of New Coin Announcements (coordinate & manage relationships & announcements with new coin communities)
• Social Media Content Curation (manage & contribute posts on Twitter, Facebook, Facebook Group, Instagram and other social media)
• Collaboration & Editing of Current and Upcoming Articles
• Collaborating on Current & Upcoming Marketing Initiatives with the Core Team (Block DX rollout strategies, blog content, etc.)
• Brand Lead (oversee Blocknet brand messaging along with other Brand Leads)
Cost Assessment: Total: 1150 BLOCK ($1.72 BLOCK price, 30 day MA)
If this proposal passes but is bumped from the Superblock due to there not being enough room, this will be paid out from the Marketing Fund.
How to Vote
- Open wallet and go to Tools > Debug Console. The debug console will open in a new window.
- To vote for Proposal: marketing-cryptoved3, type the following command:
mnbudget vote 04ad09b5f42f79aa74180fe3587092328d119e1755bab6f162adc2280a688983 yes/no
- If voting with multiple node, you can use “mnbudget vote-many….”
- If voting from the terminal, type in the following:
blocknetdx-cli mnbudget vote 04ad09b5f42f79aa74180fe3587092328d119e1755bab6f162adc2280a688983 yes/no
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Proposal: project-funding (superblock and burn funds)
Blocknet is in immediate need of funding to continue operating. This proposal is for use of the Burn Fund (BpzPFJaaKQVSvfiH7zXSUdPBrBnfx9v26V) and to increase the Superblock from 4,320 BLOCK to 40,000 BLOCK. Please continue reading to understand the reasoning and the need for this.
To better understand the financial state of the project, a more comprehensive tracking sheet has been created after feedback from the community, which can be seen here:
In this financial sheet, you can see the remaining funds (Balance Summary), a breakdown of expenses (Expense Summary), the relation of expenses to price of BLOCK (Expense Charts), and projected expenses moving forward (Projected Expenses). This sheet will be referenced throughout the proposal.
Current Expenses
Many expenses and functions within this project have been cut in response to the market decline and subsequently the value of BLOCK (Expense Charts, Total Expenses vs BLOCK Price). The project has had to make many sacrifices by making cuts to developers, the office, marketing initiatives, other contributors, and cuts in pay to remaining contributors (Projected Expenses, E3:F22).
Current expenses for next month (Projected Expenses, A3:C24) are down to the absolute minimum to support core functions, with a projected estimated monthly expense of $35,400 + 1,045 BLOCK (mixed denominations because some request amounts in BLOCK). At the current price of $1.75 BLOCK, a total of 21,274 BLOCK is needed to support the project. If the market falls further, at $1.00 BLOCK the project would need 36,445 BLOCK to sustain itself.
Funding Remaining
The project currently has 15,618 BLOCK remaining (Balance Summary, D12), which includes a maximum of 4,320 from the Superblock. At the current burn rate of the project, the remaining funds will not be able to support the core functions of this project and will be depleted this month. After that point, the project will be solely dependent on the the Superblock, which is not sufficient to support even 1 full time developer.
The proposed solution for overcoming the current financial situation comes in 2 parts:
- Increasing the Superblock to give a stronger guarantee of covering our operational expenses.
- Using the Burn Fund to provide us with a safety net against the future potential (downwards) movement of the market.
No amount of cutting expenses changes the fact that the Superblock can’t cover the project’s operating costs, even when restricted to core functions. The price of BLOCK would need to be $11 (6x increase) for it to sustain just the bare minimum of operations. Increasing the Superblock to 40,000 BLOCK will not only guarantee funding if the price of BLOCK drops to $1, but as the price of BLOCK increases, it would provide the project enough funds to do the following:
- Compete with the larger, well-funded players in the market. At the moment every contributor has their hands full with tasks. An increased budget will allow for more contributors, allowing us to more evenly distribute tasks, expand the team and move more rapidly as a project. As an example of what we’re competing against as a project, Komodo (KMD) has 10 Administration and Support staff, 8 Marketing, and Business Development staff.
- Attract investors with additional large exchange listings. As the market picks up and the price of BLOCK recovers, there will be funds available for market makers and the opportunity to get listed on larger exchanges, which will create a healthier market for BLOCK, making the project more attractive to investors.
- Attract partners and integrators. Additional funds will provide the ability to host/sponsor hackathons, create an incubator program where integrators can apply for funding to start developing software that utilizes the Blocknet Protocol, and entice potential partners.
- Attract and retain developers. In addition to hackathons, which would help attract developers, having the funds to pay developers for contributing to the project is also a necessity to build the technical contributor base.
Please note that not all of the Superblock needs to be utilized. At the same time, this increase provides potential future opportunity for the project to grow and expand.
In addition to an increased Superblock, we are proposing use of the Burn Funds.
The Burn Fund currently contains ~127k BLOCK, is already unlocked and in the team’s control, and is accounted for in the circulation. The proposed distribution is as follows:
Ecosystem Growth Fund — 10k BLOCK
Marketing Fund — 10k BLOCK
Business Development Fund — 7k BLOCK
Development Fund — 100k BLOCK
The point of having both the Superblock and using the Burn Fund is two-fold. The update to increase the Superblock will take 2–3 months to coordinate with exchanges to prevent forking so the Burn Fund will provide funding in the interim.
Without the increased Superblock and just using the Burn Funds, the project will only have a runway of 8 months at the current BLOCK price.
Having both the Superblock and the Burn Fund is also beneficial to secure Blocknet’s funding into the future. With increasing the Superblock to a point where it can sustain the project, more proposals for expenses can be voted on by Service Nodes and the Community Funds would remain as a true ‘reserve fund’ (as was originally intended). This is the most ideal scenario to make sure the project remains financially stable.
Some may be concerned about liquidation when increasing the Superblock. This should not be a concern as the market has been absorbing the Superblock and additional expenses just fine. However, we will also be opting to selling funds on the DX when possible as opposed to CEXs and are in contact with a handful of community members that are interested in OTC to help take unneeded sell pressure off the market.
This project is in a dire financial situation and it’s not even operating at the capacity it should be. These measures will not only secure Blocknet’s funding, but also provide strong future growth to allow maturation as a project and product(s) that are fully capable of competing with the rest of the market.
Cost Assessment: Total: 10 BLOCK (proposal fee)
How to Vote
- Open wallet and go to Tools > Debug Console. The debug console will open in a new window.
- To vote for Proposal: project-funding, type the following command:
mnbudget vote dcfd01d57881463b403db6756363fadd0bf55fb0d86d7f1391e1ac60ec89be2d yes/no/abstain
- If voting with multiple node, you can use “mnbudget vote-many….”
- If voting from the terminal, type in the following:
blocknetdx-cli mnbudget vote dcfd01d57881463b403db6756363fadd0bf55fb0d86d7f1391e1ac60ec89be2d yes/no/abstain
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Proposal: Social_Coordinator (philipmarshall)
Role description and responsibilities:
- Maintain the social media profile of Blocknet on Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, BTCTalk, Youtube, Medium, The Blocknet website and other platforms.
- As a brand co-lead, manage and train the social media team.
- Ensure communications from the developers and marketing team can be transmitted in a clear and timely manner to the community.
- Respond to the community.
- Compile and write regular newsletter.
- Write press releases and news updates including leading article creation for specific initiatives. In January I intend to work with cryptoved in coordinating article and PR publication in conjunction with the community social media bounty initiative.
- Contribute to various marketing materials and initiatives.
- Manage, source, correspond and coordinate payments to news and media outlets.
- Participate in strategy discussions as part of the strategy group.
Cost Assessment: Total: 235 BLOCK from Superblock (including 10 BLOCK fee). @ 1.9 BLOCK per hour / 4 hours per day @ $1.50 per BLOCK.
If this proposal passes but is bumped from the Superblock due to there not being enough room, this will be paid out from the Marketing Fund.
How to Vote
- Open wallet and go to Tools > Debug Console. The debug console will open in a new window.
- To vote for Proposal: Social_Coordinator, type the following command:
mnbudget vote 27bc45d8d261ca43b2c4e258b4ff03edeeedb498e9a9be2715e877d46dd05641 yes/no/abstain
- If voting with multiple node, you can use “mnbudget vote-many….”
- If voting from the terminal, type in the following:
blocknetdx-cli mnbudget vote 27bc45d8d261ca43b2c4e258b4ff03edeeedb498e9a9be2715e877d46dd05641 yes/no/abstain
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Proposal: UAT-QA-Marketing UAT-1–734400 / UAT-2–734400 (Team consists of 86b, aderks, and Fattox.)
Proposal for team/role changes:
In order for the UAT team to expand their operations in to the area of Marketing, there will be an increase in time and manpower required in order for us to fulfill these additional obligations. To ensure that this ‘expansion’ of our duties is optional consideration for voters, we will be listing these two areas as separate parts of our team’s proposal this month. Our proposal is that our role will now expand to encompass not only what we currently take care of (which is an expanding workload in itself), but that we will also begin moving to patch the obvious gaps in Blocknet’s current Marketing capacity.
Both areas of duty will involve the efforts of all 3 members of the UAT team.
Proposal: UAT-1–734400
Responsibilities and Tasks (UAT/QA/Integrations):
- Support services
- Integration strategy
- Product analysis
- Bug reporting, error tracking, and logging
- Collaboration with other projects and teams
- New coin integration, confirming, and corresponding QA
- Genesis testing
- Exploit checks
- Communicating with partners and project delegates
- XRouter testing and QA
- Block DX UI QA
- Wallet release QA
- Auto configuration testing and QA
Cost Assessment: Total: 2890 BLOCK (+ 10 BLOCK Fee)
Proposal: UAT-2–734400
Responsibilities and Tasks (Marketing-Related):
It is clear that many voids were left in our project by the recent decision by nodes to cut down the size of the Marketing team. This has reduced the scope and reach of the current Marketing efforts and greatly reduced our momentum, as can be seen by the movements in our past 30 days’ social media metrics: (Time of capture: 1am UTC, Dec 26th)
- Discord = -88 members
- Telegram = -64 members
- Twitter = -18 followers
- Facebook = -2 followers
- Instagram = +/- 0
The members of the UAT team believe that we are in a good position to fill these gaps in an efficient and effective manner. We are all already directly involved in community outreach, QA for DX and XRouter additions, and are well-versed in the technical overview of our current and future products, such as XBridge/XRouter. Not only are we thoroughly familiar with the crypto space as a whole, but we also have both the skills and knowledge required to explain, guide and support interested parties through all facets of the protocol and our products. Tasks:
- Organize the continuation of our Coin Announcements through the entire lifecycle: from initial integration/QA to community/partner outreach and coordination of announcements/support.
- As a run-off of our QA work, we will be aiming to circle back to communities each time we update support for a new client version — serving as a periodic promotion of Block DX to every supported community.
- Pushing our branding and awareness deeper throughout the communities of our supported projects and partners.
- Creating content for Blocknet’s Social Media and driving traffic to our site and community channels.
- Collaborating on Tutorial resources, informative articles and other content, for both our community and a wider audience.
- Collaborating on other developmental marketing strategies and initiatives, with both the Strategy group and the team as a whole.
- Approaching communities within the space of Ethereum to pre-ignite the awareness and benefits of our ability to host a decentralized alternative to Infura, amongst our node networks.
- Aiming to increase the amount of pairs on Block DX with maker bots.
Cost Assessment: 2000 BLOCK (+ 10 BLOCK fee)
How to Vote
- Open wallet and go to Tools > Debug Console. The debug console will open in a new window.
- To vote for Proposal: UAT-1–734400, (regular QA/UAT function):type the following command:
mnbudget vote 3a2e05558a538c6f12f298b89a5b1d2af655a5f4e0fb42413a31e2521bd26ac7 yes/no
- To vote for Proposal: UAT-2–734400, (additional Marketing efforts) type the following command:
mnbudget vote 8cf98db312289b20242734f3bed2cba50b45843c9d7ccbdf70ee2978da838c37 yes/no
- If voting with multiple node, you can use “mnbudget vote-many….”
- If voting from the terminal, type in the following:
blocknetdx-cli mnbudget vote 3a2e05558a538c6f12f298b89a5b1d2af655a5f4e0fb42413a31e2521bd26ac7 yes/noblocknetdx-cli mnbudget vote 8cf98db312289b20242734f3bed2cba50b45843c9d7ccbdf70ee2978da838c37 yes/no
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For more detailed instructions see:
- An introduction to Superblocks and a guide to submitting and voting for proposals, can be found here.
- A proposal category was created in the Blocknet Discord for focused and specific discussion of proposals and ideas. Within this category, there is a channel called #anon-snode-feedback for Service Node owners to provide anonymous feedback on proposals.
- The amount requested must be 4320 BLOCK or less — Votes in favor must be greater than votes against by at least 10% of the total number of Service Nodes.
- The proposals that pass are sorted in a descending order list by the sum of yes votes minus no votes. If multiple proposals have an equal sum of yes votes minus no votes, those are sorted randomly. If there are not enough funds remaining in the Superblock for a proposal to be paid out, it is skipped (not paid out), and the next proposal in the list is checked.
- Multi-month proposals are voted on each month and are treated in the same manner as normal proposals in the ordered list.
- There is also something called a ‘final budget,’ which needs to be submitted between 2880 blocks and 28 blocks before the Superblock. By default, Service Nodes automatically vote yes on final budgets. Moving forward, proposal voting will end 2880 blocks before the Superblock since the final budget locks in the proposal vote counts.
- Voting will become a great deal easier and much more user-friendly in the new wallet, taking just a few clicks. You can view the designs for the voting functionality here.
- An introduction to Superblocks and a guide to voting can be found here.
- In addition, we have created a separate proposal notification email alert reminder that snode owners can sign up for here so they do not forget to vote. (This email is separate to the Word on the BLOCK newsletter email).
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