Please vote in the latest Superblock — Voting will close June 7th 8:00am UTC+0.
Please vote for the latest Community Superblock!
Hello Snode owners! Its time to vote for the latest proposals!
There is a great responsibility for snode owners to vote either “yes” or “no” on the proposals. It cannot be emphasised enough how much the community as well as the Blocknet team relies on Service Nodes to vote on project proposals to ensure continued funding for development of the Blocknet.
There are 4 proposals submitted for Superblock 432000. Voting will close June 7th at around 8:00am UTC+0.
The latest Superblock details are below:
Superblock 432000
Rationale: To ensure ongoing evolution and development of the Blocknet is financially secure.
Proposal 1: XBridge Team
- XRouter development
- XRouter C++ Developer — Juan (538 BLOCK)
- XRouter C++ Developer — Arturo ($135/hr from Development Fund)
Cost Assessment:
A fixed amount of 538 + 50 BLOCK
A variable amount of $135/hr from Development Fund
Total: 588 BLOCK from Superblock + $135/hr from Development Fund
Proposal 2: Core Team
Development (michael) — 850
- Wallet redesign development
- Block DX development
- XRouter development
Project Co-Coordinator (hanniabu) — 247
- API Docs
- Documentation/Resources
- Block DX setup automation
- Developer recruitment
- Assist with daily tasks
Social Coordinator (philipmarshall) — 100
- Maintain the social media profile of Blocknet
- Ensure communications from the developers and marketing team can be transmitted in a clear and timely manner to the community
- Participate as part of a coordinated marketing team
- Respond to the community
- Continue to contribute to marketing materials and initiatives
Marketing (shane) — 450
- Launch Social Media Teams
- Seach engine advertising campaigns
- Blockchain-Expo Amsterdam
- Launch Coin Portals
- Produce Blocknet videos
Support/Test (86b) — 350
- Support lead / strategy
- Product analysis
- Bug reporting
- Collaborating with other coin teams
Support/Test (aderks) — 200
- Support for new coins integration
- Bug reporting
- Genesis tests
- Collaborating with other coin teams
DXTools (infinity7592) — 375
- Ledger integration
- Testing of the trading library
- Implementation of extended unit tests (for full-scale testing)
- Client unit tests
- Write documentation
Designers — 100
- Graphic design
JS developers — 150
- Block DX bug fixes
- Block DX setup automation
Community Reps (stormingj) — 50
- Engage with community
- Relay/voice community concerns
- Moderate community channels
Cost Assessment:
A fixed amount of 2872 + 50 BLOCK
Total: 2922 BLOCK
Proposal 3: Baron — Co-Coordinator
Project Co-Coordinator (redbaron) — 300
- Further detailed position description:
- Team & Groupwork
- Documentation/Resources
- Procedural development & Change Agency (with Arlyn)
- Collaborate around needs of other teams
- Intra and Inter-team communication
- Other recruitment & Training
Cost Assessment:
A fixed amount of 300 + 50 BLOCK
Total: 350 BLOCK
Proposal 4: Bob — Creative Lead
Marketing (808) — 410
- Further detailed position description:
- Graphic Design for marketing agendas
- Creative consultant
Cost Assessment:
A fixed amount of 410 + 50 BLOCK
Total: 460 BLOCK
Total Cost Assessment:
- XBridge Team — 588 BLOCK from Superblock + $135/hr from Development Fund
- Core Team — 2922 BLOCK
- Baron — Co-Coordinator — 350 BLOCK
- Bob — Creative Lead — 460 BLOCK
Superblock Total: 4320 BLOCK
How To Vote
- Open wallet and go to Tools > Debug Console. The debug console will open in a new window.
- To vote for the XBridge Team, type the following command:
mnbudget vote b52abd8dd531bd1bb2984c775c573bfd868a18b76fcbcd89606c2208a403d624 yes
- To vote for the Core Team, type the following command:
mnbudget vote 7b3641710fc1e7215abee858944b3f81350af76c5d4a56c2cb17cc2026247a05 yes
- To vote for Baron Co-Coordinator, type the following command:
mnbudget vote addad129f5943206f80e7d9a4b3a23bdbf74f87d239d5287df3bcee27a6c17cc yes
- To vote for the Bob — Creative Lead, type the following command:
mnbudget vote 7179c239bb4cc39e1d5c1cd733459fd2791373149123423bd945018f5e09f48f yes
If voting with mutliple node, you can use “mnbudget vote-many….”
If voting from the terminal, type in the following:
- To vote for the XBridge Team, type the following command:
blocknetdx-cli mnbudget vote b52abd8dd531bd1bb2984c775c573bfd868a18b76fcbcd89606c2208a403d624 yes
- To vote for the Core Team, type the following command:
blocknetdx-cli mnbudget vote 7b3641710fc1e7215abee858944b3f81350af76c5d4a56c2cb17cc2026247a05 yes
- To vote for Baron Co-Coordinator, type the following command:
blocknetdx-cli mnbudget vote addad129f5943206f80e7d9a4b3a23bdbf74f87d239d5287df3bcee27a6c17cc yes
- To vote for the Bob — Creative Lead, type the following command:
blocknetdx-cli mnbudget vote 7179c239bb4cc39e1d5c1cd733459fd2791373149123423bd945018f5e09f48f yes
For more detailed instructions see:
In addition, we have created a separate proposal notification email alert reminder that snode owners can sign up for here so they do not forget to vote. (This email is separate to the Word on the BLOCK newsletter email.