Please vote in the latest Superblock - Voting will close May 8th at around 2am UTC+0.
Please vote for the latest Community Superblock!
Hello Snode owners! Its time to vote for the latest proposals!
There is a great responsibility for snode owners to vote either “yes” or “no” on the proposals. It cannot be emphasised enough how much the community as well as the Blocknet team relies on Service Nodes to vote on project proposals to ensure continued funding for development of the Blocknet.
There are 2 proposals submitted for Superblock 388800. Voting will close May 8th at around 2am UTC+0.
The latest Superblock details are below:
Superblock 388800
Rationale: To ensure ongoing evolution and development of the Blocknet is financially secure.
Proposal 1: XBridge Team
- Continued development on UI/QT
- Fix bugs in QT
- XBridge development
- Code review and audits
- Ethereum integration
Cost Assessment
A fixed amount of 490 + 50 BLOCK
Total: 540 BLOCK
Proposal 2: Core Team
Core Development and Operations — 805(michael)
- Core development team lead
- DX API integration developer
- Wallet UI redesign team lead
- Manage contracts with vendors
- Manage partnerships with vendors helping with Blocknet, including design, marketing and dev shops and freelancers
- Recruit and interview team members to support Blocknet initiatives
Coordinators — 580(hanniabu,philipmarshall,synechist)
- Synchronize and drive community and team efforts
- Implementation of project management system
- To maintain the social media profile of Blocknet
- Ensure communications from the developers and marketing team can be transmitted in a clear and timely manner to the community.
- To participate as part of a coordinated marketing team
Marketing — 460 (shane)
- Marketing team lead
- Event planning and event management for Q2
- Strategic marketing and advertising campaign development
Support/Test — 633 (86b,aderks)
- Support team (wallet support, testing support)
- Product development and analysis of DX
- Bug reporting and product testing
- Test and help integrate new coins
DXTools — 430 (infinity7592)
- DX API regression testing for XBridge DX API
- Write client unit tests and documentation
Frontend — 518(Graphics designer,JS Developer)
- DX UI and API integration
- DX UI improvement and bug fixes
- Newsletter graphics, roadmap gfx, whitepaper visualizations
Dev fund (replenishment)
Community Reps — 50 (redbaron,stormingj)
- Work with core team as community liaisons
- Bring community ideas and concerns to core team
Coworking — 200
Cost Assessment
A fixed amount of 3730 BLOCK plus 50 BLOCK submit fee
Total: 3780 BLOCK
Total Cost Assessment:
- XBridge Team — xxxxBLOCK
- Core Team — xxxx BLOCK
Superblock Total: 540 BLOCK
Rainy Day Fund Total: 3780 BLOCK
How To Vote
- Open wallet and go to Tools > Debug Console. The debug console will open in a new window.
- To vote for the ATC Team, type the following command:
Code:mnbudget vote 721d457fff2308c8fc345b70e01cfb0de0ff703302f72437102aefb0cf6e66a5 yes
- To vote for the Core Team, type the following command:
Code:mnbudget vote 10b35916ff7fc6731faae90a57645229c41276cf81668b8abfe47964c816a432 yes
- If voting with mutliple node, you can use “mnbudget vote-many….”
If voting from the terminal, type in the following:
- To vote for the ATC Team, type the following command:
Code:blocknetdx-cli mnbudget vote 721d457fff2308c8fc345b70e01cfb0de0ff703302f72437102aefb0cf6e66a5 yes
- To vote for the Core Team, type the following command:
Code:blocknetdx-cli mnbudget vote 10b35916ff7fc6731faae90a57645229c41276cf81668b8abfe47964c816a432 yes
For more detailed instructions see:
In addition, we have created a separate proposal notification email alert reminder that snode owners can sign up for here so they do not forget to vote. (This email is separate to the Word on the BLOCK newsletter email.