Wallet 3.14.1 has been released (Mandatory update)
Blocknet wallet v3.14.1 has been released. This is a mandatory update for everyone to prepare for the transition to the v4.0.0 release in the coming weeks. Full details on this can be seen below.
Download Blocknet Wallet v3.14.1
New dxGetNewTokenAddress Call
This release contains the new XBridge call, dxGetNewTokenAddress. This call allows you to easily generate a new address for any connected wallet. To use this call, simply submit the `dxGetNewTokenAddress [ticker]` command, where [ticker] is the ticker symbol of the asset you want to create a new address for, and a newly generated address is returned. This call will be integrated into Block DX to support the ability for users to easily generate a new address through the Block DX interface. You can view API documentation for additional details.
XRouter JSON 2.0 Support
Up to this point XRouter has only supported JSON 1.0. However, with JSON 2.0 becoming increasingly common in newer clients, support for JSON 2.0 has been added to XRouter. This makes support for clients such as Ethereum’s Parity client possible, which uses the JSON 2.0.
v4.0.0 Transition Support
For the transition to v4.0.0, support for additional packets have been added to this release. The packets are snr “Service Node Registration” and snp “Service Node Ping”. These are not mandatory for the current network to function, but the support will enable 3.14.1 clients to relay these packets so that the v4.0.0 network is stable. These packets are required on the v4.0.0 network for the new on-chain Service Node list and governance mechanism. The v4.0.0 network will also operate on different XBridge and XRouter protocol versions.
Looking Forward
The v4.0.0 network upgrade is right around the corner and will be our largest release to date. It will encompass a new base chain utilizing the Bitcoin v18 codebase (migrated from PIVX base chain), on-chain governance system, on-chain Service Node list, improved networking and scalability, utilize dramatically less bandwidth, a single-tiered block reward structure, XRouter nginx support for highly scalable services, and more. This will lay the groundwork and a solid foundation for everything that follows and allow us to more efficiently improve the network and continue to add new features.
A new roadmap and format is currently under development. The new roadmap will offer a layout that’s easier to follow and feature all completed milestones, many more upcoming items, and in-progress items to provide more context into past accomplishments and future goals. There are many exciting milestones still ahead and Blocknet will continue breaking new ground in 2020. Be sure to keep up with the latest developments by joining the Blocknet community on Discord and subscribing to the biweekly newsletter.
Note: This is a mandatory update for everyone to prepare for the transition to the v4.0.0 release in the coming weeks.
Download Blocknet wallet v3.14.1
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