XLite Public Beta Now Live
It’s official, we are now in the open beta stage for XLite as we prepare for the official public release! Please find below the download links and instructions for the latest XLite 0.9.16 beta build for testing purposes:
Download Links
Install Instructions
Extract the downloaded file, navigate to the newly created folder called ‘dist-native`and Run the setup file (Note: Windows 10 may require that VC++ 10.0 runtime be installed).
Right click on the AppImage go to Properties -> Permissions -> Checkbox “Allow executing file as program”. Or you can use terminal: chmod +x ./XLite-0.9.5-linux.AppImage
Ctrl + Click on XLite.app and choose Open (may have to do it twice to allow running unsigned app)
REMEMBER: this is a beta version, and as such, we recommend keeping transactions amounts small. To report any issues or bugs please join the official #xlite-beta-testing channel in Discord.
Block DX 1.9.0 (Pre-release)
We have a new build of BlockDX available that simplifies the configuration process, when connecting XLite to Block DX.
These are the links to Block DX version 1.9.0 for anyone interested in testing:
**This is a pre-release version for QA purposes only.
Looking Forward
To stay up-to-date with the latest news, be sure and subscribe to our Newsletter. If you would like to contribute to the project, have something to add, or a problem, please let us know in our Discord or Telegram.
Onwards and upwards,
– The Blocknet Contributors
About Blocknet
The Blocknet is a decentralized network and protocol suite for seamless cross-blockchain interoperability.